- Chapter 12: Smiling Statues -

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- Rosemary's Pov -

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- Rosemary's Pov -

The first thing i notice when i wake up is that i'm in my bedroom which confuses me because the last thing i remember is sitting in the livingroom reading dad's old potion books with my head in aunt Bellatrix's lap as she ran her finger's through my hair. Dad or Tom must have brought me up to my room at somepoint last night and i'm glad they did because i know i would have had neck and back pain if they had left me to sleep on the couch all night and i definitely didn't want to in pain like that. I climb out of bed and go to my en-suite where i have a relaxing showing making sure to wash my tail and ears so they don't get all matty and i noticed i have a slight baby bump already, when i'm done i get dressed into something comfortable (Outfit above) and make sure my tail in through the hole in the back of the dress. Once i'm sure i look presentable i leave my bedroom and go downstairs to the dining room where i see everyone sat down quietly with smiles on their faces which looks absolutely freaky seeing them sitting like statues.

"Morning everyone" I said with stuttering

"Morning princess, are you okay this morning?" Dad said and asked snapping out whatever daze all of them are in first

"I feel fine this morning, thank you for asking" I said still not stuttering at all

"Little snake you look beautiful" Tom said looking at me in awe

"Thank you Tom" I said blushing

"Your ears and tail are so fluffy today sweetheart but it looks very cute" Aunt Cissa said softly

"I erm tried to dry them without making them go so fluffy but it didn't work" I said shly

"Your mother had the same problem, I had to make her a special potion, do you want to try the same potion?" Dad said asked curiously

"Yes please Dad and why is everyone looking like smiling statutes this morning" I said and asked tilting my head

"Their smiling because it wasn't just your aunt Cissa that payed Dumbledore a visit, it turns out Charlie Weasley and William Weasley or as he likes to be called Bill was there when Cissa turned up and they were torturing Dumbledore with the crucio curse. It turns out someone in the ministry told them both about what happened to you, Rosemary and they went on a war path to make Dumbledore pay themselves, when Cissa saw this she invited them both to come here with so they can see your okay. Their in the guest wing of the manor and will be down soon for breakfast, i will ask Arthur if he will allow Ron to come here before hogwart starts so you can see him and i will talk with Hermione's parent's too" Dad said softly

"Their here!? Were they hurt by Dumbledore? Are they okay?" I fired question after question

"Yes their here dear, no they didn't get hurt by Dumbledore and yes they are perfectly well" Aunt Cissa said just as softly as dad

"I want to speak to them first kitten to make sure they're truly against Dumbledore because i do not want them to go after you or hurt our babies" Tom said softly

"Only if your promise not to hurt them Tom" I said looking at him while tilting my head

"I promise little snake" He said nodding his head at me

"Rosey is that a baby bump i can see?" Aunt Bellatrix asked looking at mt slight baby bump

"Yes, i noticed it this morning" I said placing my hand on my stomach

"Can i?" Tom asked beside me while looking at my hand in wonder

"Of course, their your babies too Tom" I said moving my hand over so there's room for his big hand

"Thank you love" He said placing his hand on my stomach

"Would you like some peppermint tear princess?" Dad asked me with a small smile

"Yes please and is there any fruit for breakfast? I like fruit in the morning" I said politely

"There will be plenty of fruit for you Mary, Beast told the rest of the house elves how much you like fruit so they have made it a mission to make sure there is fruit at every meal" Uncle Rabastan said amusingly

"They don't have to do that, one bowl will be enough for the day" I said blushing

"Nonsense, you want fruit so you will get fruit" Uncle Lucius said waving his hand in dismissal

"Okay, okay" I said holding my hands up in surrender

"Are you craving the fruit love?" Tom asked keeping his hand on my stomach

"Yes and peppermint tea" I said blushing again

"Then there will definitely be fruit and peppermint tea at every meal or at anytime you wish to have them because if you babies want them then you shouldn't go without eating or drinking them" He said firmly

"I won't argue with anyone about this anymore" I said giving up on the whole conversation

"Good because none of us will let you only have one bowl or one cup a day" Draco said crossing his arms then Beast popped into the dining room

"Master the guest are on their way down" Beast said softly

"Thank you Beast" Dad said then Beast pop's away

"Why didn't they just apparate down here?" I asked curiously

"I asked them to walk around because i don't want to risk them scaring you by their sudden appearance" Aunt Cissa said softly

"They probably would have scared me since i'm still jumpy" I said sadly

"You had a hard life kitten being jumpy is understandable" Tom said caressing my baby bump

"Ha-Rosemary is that you?" Bill asked from the doorway with Charlie beside him

"Y-Yes Bill it's me" I stutter slightly because i didn't hear them


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