Waiting for Gavin - Reunited

Start from the beginning

Weeks yet again started to drag into months. Tiny was impatient. He took to screeching at Elijah when he left the house. Elijah always looked sheepish, doing his best to placate him as he pouted and nipped his heels. He wouldn't let him go to the hospital, but he wouldn't return Gavin, either. It was unfair! All Elijah would say was soon. How long was soon? It had been two months since Gavin had awoken, and he still hadn't been allowed to return. Tiny was getting lethargic, slumping on the floor by the window in the front parlour as Chloe dusted down furnishings. She seemed particularly cheerful that day. Tiny didn't know how she could be so spirited without Gavin.

"Today will be a good day. You'll see," she insisted as she wiped down the picture frames in the living room. Tiny clicked forlornly. How could it be a good day? It was just like all the other days they'd experienced for the past few months! Lonely. Tiny curled his tail around his body as he huddled by the window. He knew that wasn't fair to Chloe, but he couldn't help it. Although Chloe kept him company, he still felt lonely and distracted without Gavin. She didn't carry his scent. She didn't have his touch. He couldn't settle on her shoulders the same way, and it didn't feel the same when he curled up to sleep beside her. Despite Tiny's less than enthusiastic response, Chloe kept her chipper mood.

Once she finished in the front parlour, she headed into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Tiny remained by the window at first, but he started to recognise the smell. It was the same steak and mushroom pie she'd been preparing the day Gavin had been injured. Tiny chittered curiously as he scuttled through to the kitchen. She was humming cheerfully as she rolled out the puff pastry for the lid while the steak mixture bubbled on the stove. Tiny watched as she cut the lid and left the odd cuttings in a small pile at the edge of her small floured section.

"Why don't you make another jam pocket? Gavin's eating solid food now, so he's sure to enjoy it," she added as she set the finished lid aside and checked on her steak mix. Tiny clicked, unconvinced it was a good idea. This was the same meal they'd been preparing last time. What if something bad happened to Gavin? What if Gavin didn't come home? He knew he was being foolish. There was no connection between the food and something bad happening to Gavin. "They're one of his favourites." Chloe's prompt was enough to get Tiny started. If it would please Gavin, then Tiny would make a whole tray of small pastry tarts.

Chloe watched from the corner of her eye as she worked on the pie. Tiny was hesitant at first as he gathered the dough, but he was soon kneading a small ball on the floured surface. Chloe moved the mixture off the stove to cool as she started preparing vegetable sides. She peeled carrots and potatoes, and cut up some broccoli ready to boil. Tiny used the pin to roll the pastry flat and cut it in two. There was enough to make two jam pouches. One for Gavin, and one for Elijah. Chloe passed down the jam as he chittered before returning to her pie. By the time she finished the pie, Tiny was ready to egg wash his small tarts. They weren't perfect triangles, and they'd likely lose their shape while cooking, but Tiny was sure they'd taste good.

"Alright, I'm going to clean a little upstairs. You stay in the front room and keep an eye on the oven for me," Chloe instructed as she set aside the tea towel. Tiny clicked his agreement and followed her as far as the hall before splitting off into the front parlour. He curled up with a ten-minute timer ticking in his HUD, not wanting to risk the pastries burning. Outside was a bright, sunny day, so perhaps Chloe had been right in some respects. The weather was certainly making it a good day for bees and butterflies. Tiny followed a large butterfly with his luminous blue and black eyes as he stretched out lazily on the sofa, lounging on his stomach. It looked like a monarch butterfly, with shades of orange, black, white, and brown. He chittered softly. If Gavin had been there, he could have chased it while he watched and called him a weirdo. When he did such things, he'd always do it while chortling, and he'd ruffle his hair afterwards. Gavin...

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