Chapter 4 | Faces, not Masks

Start from the beginning


i grab my bag and a banana and run to the car. once we get to school i push my headphones into my ears and put my music on full blast, trying to avoid eye contact with other people. well trying to avoid Marcus. i feel absolutely guilty because of Padma. how could i screw a guy with a girlfriend! i was embarrassed to say the least.
finally the last bell rings. me and Ginny walk out with Max and get a ride from her. i guess she was earning some more permit credits so she could get her license. When we get home Ginny stays at Max's house while i go straight home.
"Talia?" i head Austin call out.
"yeah bud?"
"can you take me to the store? i have to get something for class."
"yeah sure, but where is mom?"
"at work still."
i stand still, confused because i guess i missed that memo. i can't believe she got a job that fast. me and Austin walk to the nearest convenience store. it was about a ten minute walk so it wasn't bad. as Austin drifted away from me to go get stuff for his school stuff, i made my way to the pharmacy counter. i had realized on the walk that we didn't use a condom.
"can i get a plan b pill please?"
"do you have a coupon?" the cashier asks
"coupon? wouldn't that level of preparation make this plan a?" i let out a slight chuckle. when she doesn't laugh back i look down and drop my smile.
"no, i don't have a coupon."
"you know, usually the boy buys it." she says, in a judgmental way. i look up at her.
"do you have a problem with my choice right now? all you have to do is hand me the damn pill and tell me to have a good god damn day."
she turns around and picks a pill package off the shelf behind her. "have a good day." she says with a fake smile. i fake smile back. i go find Austin, pay for our stuff, and leave. when we get home i see my mom heading over to Max's house, assumingely to go hang out with her mom.
"hey guys!"
"hey mom."
"what y'all got there?"
i panic. "uh just some stuff for Austin's school project."
"ah okay, well have fun i'll be over here." she smiles and keeps walking.


"can cause nausea and period changes." i read off the warnings for the stupid pill as i hear Ginny yell for me.

i sigh and pop the pill in my mouth and wash it down with some water.

"ILL BE THERE IN A SEC." i yell back. Max had texted me fifteen minutes prior to say we were going to go to a party. i walk down the stairs in the same outfit that i had on at school.

"are you going to just wear that?" Max says.
"what why what's wrong with it?" i say looking down at my outfit.
"no nothing sorry, it looks great. come on let's go i told our moms we were going to the movies." Max says super confident.
i look over at Ginny. "did you tell her?"
"i tried to." Ginny responds.
"tell me what." Max says, looking super confused.
"Max, my mom knows we aren't going to the movies with you dressed like that." i smile at her.
"meh, whatever." she shrugs and we walk out of the house.

when we get there, it's in one of their friends basements. which is super duper. nice may i add. i scan the room and i don't really see anyone i know. which isn't surprising considering they are all technically Ginny's friends.

after a while someone pulls out a bong. everyone continues to pass it around until it gets to Ginny. it's obvious she's never tried to smoke weed before. after she finally gets it down she gives it to me. before i can even light it i hear someone on the other side of the couch ask me "are you lame too? or do you actually know what you are doing." i roll my eyes.
"Ginny isn't lame, nice job at making drugs seem cool douchebag. and i do in fact know what i'm doing thank you very much." i light the bong and take a hit. he looks over at me and back at his game.

after the night ends i head to Ginny's room with her so i can grab a book i left in there. Ginny flips on the lights only to find Georgia sitting on her bed holding a glass of wine. we both gasp.
"jesus, serial killer much?" Ginny says to mom.
i chuckle and lightly hit her arm.
"how was the movie?" mom asked both of us with a sly grin on her face.
"please mom, i know you know." i say to her grinning back.
"but they don't know that we know they know we know!" mom says loudly. "come gossip to mommy. you guys have never had friends to lie to me about before."

i look over at her and we both walk over and sit with her on the bed.
"we just hung out in Brodies basement. which was ridiculously nice. it had carpet abs ping pong table and everything." Ginny told mom.
"oooh rich people. they snort caviar and talk about Aspen." mom said.
"they smoked weed out of a bong." Ginny slipped. i looked at her wide eyed. i can't believe she just told her that what the hell was she thinking.
"did y'all smoke?" mom questioned.
"yeah is that okay?" i asked.
"well did you like it?" she asked again.
"i felt very aware of my arms." Ginny piped in.
"just be careful." mom said to us
"we are always careful mom." i said
"mhm. hmm. hmm!" mom started to hum. i smiled knowing where this was going.
"what?" Ginny asked.
"no!" Ginny said finally getting it
"oh! oh, sex." mom said as Ginny pretend to gag.
"and intercourse and the P and the V!" mom said as she got all in Ginny's face. i giggled laughing as Ginny kept pretending to throw up.
"is this hell? it feels like hell." i said to mom.
"just promise me y'all will come to me before you lose your virginity." mom said to us both. a little to late for that. whoops.
"why? will my value as a woman suffer a steep decline?" Ginny asked mom.
"i'll get less cows for you," Ginny scoffed. "notably less cows for you than if you were a virgin. so." mom joked.
"promise me." mom said more seriously.
"okay i promise." Ginny said.
"you? you promise?" she said looking over towards me.
"yes mom of course." i bit the inside of my cheek. i just lied to my mom. i never, ever do that. well, other than weed but that's not really something in the best interest of her.
"that you guys, for telling me about the smoking. no secrets right?" mom said as she kissed our foreheads.
"mhm." me and Ginny said together.
" i love you guys."
"i love you too mom." i smiled at her. "alright, imma go to bed. sleep good!" i tell Ginny and i climb out of her bed.
"yeah good night sis." she smiles at me.
i smile back and close her door. i walk back to my room and i feel guilty, for the second time. i just lied to my mom about something super important. that's not who i am. that's not me. i grab my sketchbook and flip through the pages trying to find a blank one. when i flip to the one of Marcus. i smile at it and then catch myself and continue to flip. right as i found a blank spot i felt my phone buzz. i was Marcus.
"speak of the devil." i say to myself.

"hey stalker, how's your night going?"
"why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend."
i stare at the text, not believing i just sent it to him. to be fair i was still a little high from earlier.
"well she not really my girlfriend. we just kind of hang out i guess."
"well still. whatever goodnight Marcus."
"night stalker 🫡"

i turn off my phone and my lights and get changed. then i flip over and try to fall asleep. not knowing how to process that.
what the hell do i do

- hey guys :) i hope you are enjoying so far. sorry for any typos i'm super sleep deprived due to studying for finals so. i love you all <3

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