In which Richard leaves for Mexico

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The rumours had been flying for the last five years now. What had happened to make the seemingly happy couple divorce? Was there an affair? Was it abuse? Drugs? Alcohol? Only a few people knew the truth and they weren't going to be speaking about it anytime soon. It wasn't the business of the public to know the truth anyways. It happened and no amount of wishing could make it not have happened. Richard and Maureen Starkey were no more.

Richard was sitting on the couch. He had been looking over a script that seemed a little too cheesy and weird to be real. He didn't remember agreeing to this thing but then again, he didn't remember much after the bender he had had last weekend. His agent had already told him Dennis Quaid and Shelley Duvall were fully on board. Maybe it's good if they're on board, He thought as he threw the script down on the coffee table in front of him. He was curious to know who would play the final role they had to fill. Lana, the character his character would be lusting after. "I haven't had romance in my life since before that day in 1975. My character is supposed to get the girl in the end and yet I can't even do it in real life." Richard said a twinge of depression in his voice.

"Baby, you'll find your beloved someday. I promise you."  His mother said as she sat down next to him causing Richard to be startled slightly. "It's not like you didn't try with Maureen. She was just a mess."

"Mom. I absolutely was smitten with her. She gave us our little Lee after all." Richard firmly held his mom's hand as she gave a little sigh. Lee was Richard's only daughter. Lee wasn't his only child though. Maureen had given up Lee because of her disability being very severe. Her brothers were the only ones she wanted because they were perfect in her words. It's not like Richard didn't love his sons, he just was too dependent on alcohol. As it stands his mom Elsie had the true custody of Lee. He was just living with them.
"She's a beautiful baby girl. She'll be six this year." Elsie sighed and pulled her hand away from Richard.

"I want to give her a mother who will love her. You know every child deserves it but, there's nothing I can do." Richard sighed. How did we get on this topic? He thought to himself as he turned to grab the script again. Today he had to fly to Mexico. Shooting starts soon. They would have to do the scenes without the character Lana for a day or two while they found her actress. Who would it be? Richard thought as he threw the script down. It wouldn't be any use anyways. Richard can't read very well. He knew a few of the words in the script but many were foreign to him. His mom had been helping him with it.

Elsie was Richard's biggest fan. She was there for the Beatles' big moments in the UK. The Abbey Road photograph, the rooftop concert, the opening of Apple Corps, the time Richard thought he was going to quit the band because of mounting pressure and stress, the film premier for Help!, The film premier for A Hard Day's Night, their first album launch, the day Richard joined the band officially, when Richard filled in for Pete Best at the Cavern Club and his first time meeting John, Paul and George. She was there through it all. Even if Elsie had thought this movie would be bad, she would never say it because she loved her son way too much. Maybe she was just behind on the times? She didn't know what was hip and trendy anymore. "Baby, would you like me to help you with the script again?" She looked at him lovingly and took the script out of his hands.

"No thanks. I think I got it. I need to just be alone for a minute I guess." Richard sighed and sunk down into the couch. Elsie dropped the script on the coffee table in front of them and got up. She walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I really don't want to do this. He thought as annoyance washed over him. But, a deal's a deal. He got up and walked upstairs to pack. It would be a long few months shooting this disaster of a film. The way he saw it, if he could just make it to Mexico he could get drunk and stoned and basically check out the whole film. After all, there are only like four words of English in the entire thing it's not like anyone would notice him slurring words.

After a few hours of packing his bags Richard was ready to go. A taxi was on its way already. Lee was just getting home from school. Richard headed downstairs and saw Lee there. This was the first time in two days she would see him sober. It was very sad but no one thinks she knows.

"Daddy!" Lee yelled as she entered the front door. "Daddy!" She ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Hi baby. I have to leave today remember? Nan will be here for you though" Richard pulled Lee into his arms and held her close to him in a tight hug before putting her back down. A car horn honk can be heard outside the door. "I'll see you in a few months my sweet little lady" And with that, Ringo was out the door, bags in hand, on his way to the airport. To get himself down to Mexico where the film would be shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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