Chapter 8

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As Prapai drove towards Sky's condo, he repeatedly looked in the rearview mirror at Sky curled around Rain. Rain sat still in Sky's arms with his eyes closed. The most alarming thing to Prapai was that Rain wasn't crying. Usually Rain was dramatic and loud but he sat there silent and not moving. Prapai sighed quietly while trying to decide what to do next. Should he stay with Sky and Rain or should he reach out to his best friend? He felt torn between the two. He wanted to know Payu's side and how they had gotten to this point. But he also knew that Rain needed support right now. He knew that Sky would understand if he went to find Payu but was that the right thing to do? His mind was telling him to call Payu but his heart said to stay with Rain. So, he decided he would be staying at least until he knew Rain was okay.


Sky wanted to kill Payu. On the other hand that would mean seeing Payu and he didn't want him anywhere near Rain right now. He could not believe that this had happened. He never thought Payu was capable of lying to Rain or neglecting him. After they had started dating, Payu had stepped in and completely changed Rain's life in huge and meaningful ways. Rain had become more confident, responsible, and focused. Payu loved Rain, and on some level Sky knew that. But Sky also knew that Payu had totally fucked up. Whatever he was going through or doing didn't erase the fact that he had kept Rain in the dark and left him alone with his insecurities.

Sky held tightly to Rain whose head lay on Sky's chest. He peered down at Rain's face, seeing that it was eerily calm and still. Rain had not spoken since storming out of the restaurant in a haze of outrage. He had not shed one tear. He had decided to take Rain back to his condo to make sure Rain would not do anything he'd later regret. He knew Rain was impulsive and wasn't sure what Rain would do once he reconnected with the world around him.

Upon arriving at his condo, Sky pulled his arm from Rain's shoulders and gently took hold of his hand.

"Rain" he whispered while tugging on Rain's hand but getting no response.


"Rain, we need to go inside. Come on, let's get you up to my room" he said a bit louder while pulling Rain's hand more forcefully. Rain looked over at him and gave a barely noticeable nod.
He moved across the seat and came to stand in front of Sky.

"Come on. Let's go upstairs" he said as Rain looked at him with wide, sad eyes.

"I will stay with you. I won't leave. I promise," Sky assured him.

"Thank you," Rain answered softly.


Entering Sky's condo, Rain immediately walked into Sky's bedroom and sank down on the floor against the bed.

"Do you want me to sit with you?"

Rain shook his head answering, "I kind of want to be alone right now."

Although Sky wanted to stay, he also wanted to respect Rain's boundaries right now. He turned to walk out of the room.

"You won't leave though, right?" Rain asked, looking up at Sky.

"I won't leave," Sky assured him.

Rain smiled briefly and then pulled his legs up to his chest and lay his head down on his knees. He looked so small, Sky wanted to wrap him up in a hug but left the room anyway.


Rain's mind felt empty and full at the same time. He felt a confusing mixture of numb and overwhelmed. He kept replaying the night over and over in an endless loop that he could not stop. Who was that girl? Who was that man? Why was Payu out with them? Why had he left him alone to go to them? Why had he left him alone all this time? Had Payu been planning to leave him? He was angry at Payu. So angry.

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