Chapter 5

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Rain made his way down to the kitchen after showering. His final exam for the semester was today. His belly was in knots and he felt like throwing up. Although confident he studied diligently, today was the culmination of all his work from the entirety of his 2nd year of school. He had spoken briefly with Payu last night but he wished Payu was there this morning to encourage him.

He found his mom placing his breakfast on the table. She looked up with a soft smile, "Rain! Come feed that brain of yours before you head to school."

"Thanks mom," he replied, sitting down to eat. After several minutes of pushing his food around his plate he felt his mom sitting down next to him.

"Rain, are you okay?"

Wanting to reassure her, he answered "Of course mom, I'm just nervous for my exam today."

She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, pulling him towards her. She placed a soft kiss on his temple.

He sighed. "I just wish P'Payu was here." Her hug grew tighter. She knew that Rain and Payu were having some difficulties, although she did not know any details. She had noticed that Rain had been spending more time and more nights at home over the past month. She hadn't actually seen Payu in person in several weeks. Several times she had come across Rain sitting in the kitchen or watching tv in the middle of the night. She knew he was not sleeping and she did not think it was because of school.

"Rain, are you and Payu doing ok? Is there anything you want to tell me?" she asked.

Startled, Rain looked over at her. "What do you mean? We are fine, just fine. There's nothing wrong. Nothing wrong at all." he sputtered out.

"Rain, I can tell that's not true. While I love having you home with me, I don't think it's where you really want to be. Where is Payu?"

Looking down at his hands he answered "He's been really busy with a big project that he was assigned a few months ago. I've been trying not to bother him so he can finish it, but.... Well, I guess he just doesn't have much time left for me right now."

When he saw the concerned look on his mom's face, he quickly added "But he's been telling me that it will all be over soon and things will go back to normal. So, no need to worry about me mom. I'll be fine. We'll be fine." He tried hard to look and sound confident to keep his mom from worrying too much.


Deciding to celebrate after their exam was over, the gang decided to celebrate at a new cafe close to campus.

"So, what's everyone doing over school break?" asked Ple.

"I'm heading home to help my parents at their store so they can vacation," shared Por.

"Awwwww, such a good son," Ple smiled, patting Por on the shoulder.

"I'm going to sleep, eat, and play video games, over and over and over. Nothing of use for a month. A whole month of nothing" said Sig after which the gang laughed.

"How is that different from your typical days Sig?" cracked Sky rolling his eyes.

Sig elbowed Sky in the ribs, "Always so harsh Sky. I'm shocked, I'm plenty useful when we study!"

"Keep telling yourself that Sig, maybe it will actually come true" answered Sky.

As the gang continued talking, Sky looked over at Rain who had pulled the straw from his iced coffee and was attempting to tie it in a knot. He hadn't laughed, smiled, or spoken since they left the classroom. His only responses had been small nods. Sky had grown more concerned about Rain over the past weeks. Several times, he had brought his concerns to Rain but Rain would put a bright smile on his face and laugh it off. But, he knew something was really wrong even if Rain wouldn't talk to him.


Sky had talked about it with Prapai on numerous occasions. At first, Prapai brushed it off mimicking what Rain had said. "It's nothing Sky. Payu is just busy with his project. I'm sure he misses Rain as much as Rain misses him." However, the last time Sky had talked it over with Prapai, his boyfriend took him more seriously.

"Is this still going on? Payu is still working on the same project?"

"According to Rain, it's been about 3 months since he started. Rain won't talk to me about it but I know he's been sleeping at home and I don't think they've spent any real time together lately. Rain is always either at school or at home. His home with his mom. Not his home with P'Payu. I'm worried P'Pai. Rain seems so sad and I don't know what to do. I don't think he even gets calls or texts from P'Payu very often. What should I do?" Sky said, nestling his head into Prapai's shoulder.

"Let me see if Payu will talk to me. I'll let you know if he tells me what's going on." Prapai assured Sky while placing a warm kiss on his forehead.


As promised, Prapai called Payu the next morning.

"Hey Pai, what's up?" Payu said after picking up.

"Have any time for lunch today? We can go out or I can bring something to you if that's easier" Prapai offered.

"I'm kind of busy today, Pai. Can we do it another time?"

"Payu, there's something I need to talk to you about. Can you find time?"

"What is this about?"

Prapai could hear Payu's desk chair rolling back and imagined that Payu was walking to a more private area of his office.

"I'd rather not talk about it over the phone Payu."

Prapai heard a loud sigh escape Payu's mouth. "Fine. I'll meet you at the cafe next to my office at noon" he said and then hung up.

Author's Note: Seriously, I get depressed whenever I write. Why didn't I start with a story of them being happy & horny? Ugh, my own story is killing me. Rest assured - we are close to hearing Payu's side, cause I can't take much more of my own writing.....

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