Chapter 53: Double Duel

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Akia was sitting in the backseat of the taxi with Bakura leaning on her shoulder. Akia's grandfather was sitting in the front seat next to the taxi driver. The Spirit of the Ring was still acting weak as to not raise any suspicions, not that Akia would even notice at this point. She was sighing softly and staring out the window with a far off gaze. Akia was too preoccupied with that stranger from earlier. She was so confused at what she was feeling when she saw him. She couldn't think straight ever since she saw him. If it weren't for Bakura wanting her to come along, she would've wanted to talk to this Namu individual some more and get to know him.

On their way to the hospital, while looking out the car window, Akia saw two familiar figures up on a mall roof.

"Stop the car! I'm getting off here. Sorry Bakura, you'll have to go to the hospital without me. Grandpa can you take care of Bakura for me?" Akia quickly acted.

"Wha-" The Spirit of the Ring was taken aback.

"Of course, don't worry about it, you go tend to whatever you need to do and Bakura will be safe with me," Sugoroku affirmed, understanding that his granddaughter had something important to do.

Akia gave her grandfather a grateful smile and, ignoring Bakura's protests, she headed off. As she got closer, she was able to confirm what she had seen. It was Yugi and Kaiba Seto on the roof, their backs facing her direction. From what she was able to see, they had their duel disks activated. Why were they duelling all the way up there, she asked herself. Without wasting any more time wondering what was happening, Akia headed into the mall to look for a way up to the roof. After searching around, she sneakily took the employee only stairway that led her up to where she wanted.

When she finally opened the door to the roof, the scene before her only brought up a whole new set of questions. Yugi had switched places with the other Yugi who was now dueling alongside Kaiba against two cloaked individuals who were wearing half masks.

"What in the world...?" Akia uttered.

One of the duelists that Kaiba and Yugi were duelling was short with a white mask, while the other was taller and had a black mask. Akia also noticed that there were what seemed to be explosives affixed to the Life Points of each player.

The one with the white mask still had all of his life points intact. He had on his side of the field "Masked Beast Des Gardius" (3300/2500) in Attack Position, "Mask of the Accursed" which was equipped to Yugi's "Beta The Magnet Warrior", "Mask of Restrict", and "Mask of Dispel" which seemed to be targeting Yugi's "Multiply. Yugi had 1500 Life Points remaining and controlled "Beta The Magnet Warrior" (1700/1600) in Defense Position, "Alpha The Magnet Warrior" (1400/1700) in Attack Position, and "Multiply". The one with the black mask had 3700 LP remaining and was controlling "Masked Doll." Kaiba had 2100 Life Points remaining and controlled "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" (3000/2500) in Attack Position.

"This is not looking too good..." Akia mumbled to herself. None of them had noticed her being there yet. They were all too focused on the duel. Just as the one controlling "Masked Beast Des Gradius" was about to declare an attack on Yugi's "Magnet Warriors," Kaiba dissuaded him saying that not destroying his "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" would be a mistake. That saved Yugi from losing more Life Points, since he did not have many left, but it did bring Kaiba's down to 1800.

"I draw." The pharaoh started his turn. As soon as he drew his card, he lost 1000 Life Points due to the effects of Mask of the Accursed" and "Mask of Dispel," bringing his Life Points down to 500. "I summon "Gamma The Magnet Warrior." With all my "Magnet Warriors" on the field, I can combine them to summon "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior" (3500/3850). I will set a card face down and attack your "Masked Beast Des Gardius," destroying it and taking 200 of your Life Points!"

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