Chapter 2 / breaking ice

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(3rd persons POV)

Next morning 5:16am

Darren woke up with a strong pain in his arm, it was swollen a lot and bruised. It looked like someone hit him with a baseball bat. "Damn it." Darren said getting out of bed. He went to shower and changed. He wore sweat pants and a hoodie to hide the swollen arm.

9am meeting

"For todays video, we will be having a picnic at the park and doing challenges." Oliver explained to everyone.

After the meeting everyone went to the cars. "I dibs riding in Ollys car!" Darren said running pushing everyone. "Nah I already dibs ugly ass." Kane said running after him. "Atleast I don't look like a bubblebass." Darren said pulling the door handle. They both jumped in the car while Olly chuckled getting into the drivers seat, Ryan got into the passenger seat. Sebastian drove with manager Ty with Regie and Justin.

At the park

Everyone walked in the park looking for a place to sit. Oliver and Justin carried the blanket and food basket while The other boys held the props for the challenges. "I'll race you." Darren said to Kane. "I don't race with ogers." Kane replied smirking. "Man shut your crafting table head ass up." Darren said throwing a beanbag at him. Kane laughed and Darren smiled.

When they found a place to sit they laid out the blanket and put everyone on it. "Ok everyone the first challenge is called 'dodge frisbee', basically you will get a frisbee thrown at you and if it hits you, you lose." Oliver explained picking up the frisbee. "If you win the challenges you get a prize." He said sparking everyone's interest.

After many challenges

(Darren's POV)

We were on the last challenge which was 'one legged race' 2 people had their legs tied together and they raced to the end to win. I was paired with Justin, Ryan was with Sebastian and Kane was with Regie. The race started and before I got the chance to move Justin pulled me with him running fast, I lost my balance and fell. But I didn't just fall, I fell on my swollen arm and burst into tears. "Ow ow ow, it hurts!" I yelped holding my arm. Oliver ran up to me while all the other members stared, startled. "Darren you ok?" Oliver asked sitting me up. "I fell on my arm!" I clenched  my jaw from the pain.

Oliver lifted my hoodie sleeve seeing my swollen, red arm. "Darren what happened!? Is this from now?" Oliver panicked. "No yesterday when Sebastian and Kane were fighting I fell on my elbow which I already fell on in the shower. I guess it made it worse." I explained holding my painful arm. Oliver and Regie helped me up. "I'm sorry Darren." Justin said patting my shoulder. "All good." I replied.

Later at home

Oliver patched my arm up with bandages and an ice pack. "This should help the swelling." He said. "Thanks Olly." I said smiling.

He walked away into the kitchen, when Sebastian came down stairs, walking towards me. "Sorry about yesterday." He said rubbing his neck. "I didn't mean to push you."

"It's all good, I'm not dead." I said jokingly. I could feel the vibe wasn't there. Sebastian seemed like something bad happened. He walked away going on his phone. He just didn't feel there. 'Whatever' I thought jumping off the couch.

Few days later

(3rd persons POV)

Everyone was in the living room talking and on their phones. "Heyyy ry ry." Darren said jokingly flirty sitting next to Ryan. "What Darren." He replied giving him a side eye. "Can you kiss my arm better, pwease." Darren said bursting into laughter. "Oh hell no. You are sus." Ryan said cracking into a smile. Darren was dying of laughter walking to Regie and Seb who was outside.

(Darren's POV)

I walked outside towards Regie and Sebastian. "Yeah I need to get more later." Regie continued his conversation with Sebastian. "Heyy guys." I said interrupting them. They both turned towards me. Regies expression was the same as always, chill and normal but Sebs expression looked bothered. "Why you grumpy today." I asked pinching sebs cheek as a joke. He threw my hand away from him, which kind of shocked me but I guess he wasn't in the best mood. "Ok then." I said moving back a bit. "What's up Darren." Regie asked leaning against the pool table. "Nothing." I said walking back inside.

I walked up to Olly who was talking to Kane. "Hey Olly can I talk to you?" I asked putting my non injured arm on his shoulder. "Sure." He replied smiling. Kane walked up to Ryan on the couch while I was left with Oliver. "What's up?" He asked leaning on the counter. "Is seb ok, he seems different?" I asked glancing at seb and Regie outside. "Oh I don't know, I'll ask him if you want." Oliver replied smiling a bit. "Nah it's fine, I just thought you would know." I said brushing it off. "Oh ok, well just let me know if you need anything. I have to go talk to Ty." Oliver said backing away. I nodded as he walked away upstairs.

Later at 1:23am

I couldn't sleep so I went to Kanes room to mess with him. Since it was Friday Kane would be up playing video games or watching anime. I walked to sebs and Kanes room and opened the door, closing the door behind me. "Hey zaddy." I said scaring Kane. "Ew go shower." He said chuckling. "You're just so funny." I replied sarcastically. I sat on the corner of the bed near Kane. "What do you want, I'm watching demon slayer." Kane asked looking at Darren squinting his eyes. "I'm bored and I can't sleep." I replied laying down on their bed. I looked back at Seb on his phone listening to music on his side of the bed. "Oi seb!" I tried getting his attention. He glanced at me in the corner of his eye but ignored me. "Oh we playing like this." I said smirking. I jumped up tackling him laughing. Except he wasn't laughing, he got annoyed and threw me off the bed. Again hitting my arm. I groaned in pain but got up. "Damn who pissed in your water bruh." I said annoyed. He looked at me and sighed. "Why are you here anyway. Stop annoying me." Seb said staring at me. Kane was shocked by the whole thing but just watched. "Whatever, don't come to me when you have a problem. I don't have time for your bitchy attitude." I said angry.

(3rd persons POV)

Darren walked out their room but Sebastian followed him. Seb pulled Darren spinning Him around making him face towards him. "Talk shit, I dare you!" Seb lost it and pulled on Darren's shirt. "What the fuck is your problem!" Darren yelled loosening Sebastian's grip on his shirt. "Dont fucking touch me." Darren said stern. Sebastian's expression turned from angry to aggressive. "I'll fuck you up. Test me again." Sebastian said coming closer to Darren's face. Darren backed up almost falling down the stairs. Kane ran out after hearing the situation. Everyone else was sleeping and their doors were closed so they couldn't hear anything.

"Sebastian I swear if you don't stop acting like a little bitch I'm gonna fuck you up!" Darren yelled holding the railing. Sebastian clenched his fists staring at Darren. "Darren shut the fuck up before I beat your ass." Seb said trying to calm down. "Then do it bitch! I'm tired of your attitude and aggressiveness towards me!" Darren yelled stomping his feet.

Before Sebastian could tackle Darren, Kane grabbed him and pushed him into the room. "Darren enough, just go to your own room." Kane said holding the door shut. Darren sighed and went back to his and Ryan's room.

"Bruh what happened?" Ryan asked standing in front of the door. "Nothing just a stupid ass argument." Darren replied falling into the bed. Ryan had a confused face but didn't want to instigate so he left it.

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