Chapter 1

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"Come on Hope! are you absolutely sure this is going to work because if not then.....

Hope Pov:

"When we are young, we are taught the distinction between a hero and a villian; good and evil, a saviour and a lost cause. But what if the only difference is who is telling the story...
My name is Hope Mikealson and the only who was complaining earlier is my brother Henrik Mikealson we are twins with different dads. We come from a long line of both heroes and villains you have heard about in tales about vampires, werewolves, witches, gods, demigods and everything inbetween. Today we are about to do something that is going to change our present and save our future. It's been a while since we lost a lot in ourlives our parents, friends and family; the school we love is in ruins. To change all of this me and my brother alongside our cousin Scorpious decided to take this intense step after months of researching with forbidden magic we finally found the right spell.

Henrik Pov:

Most of the time i trust my sister well because out of the two of us she is wiser well she takes after our mom in that sense so even now I'm going to do that.
"Henrik we are ready", i heard my Scorpious call me. Well guess it's the moment of truth.

Scorpious pov:

From the time we were kids we have done everything together so when the twins decided to do this i couldn't keep away. But this spell was too easy forbidden magic always comes.  with a price and it is my duty to find that out right now my cousins are hardheaded towards a goal and to get the result they won't look for the causes of their actions.

Hope Pov:

"Air, water, fire, earth......... Phanthamous manteuesthai Goety brouhaha blessed be..... Bring us to the beginning to the time before our birth to right all wrongs... Ready to sacrifice  anything... With the spirit creation, death and rebirth more it be"  next thing we know is the nature was turbulent then a suddenly we were falling and that is all i remember.
" Henrik... Scorpious" everything was so confusing and i couldn't make out what was happening my head and everything was hurting. "Henrik.. Scorpious where are you."
"Hope Mikealson you did it!!!" My brother shouted and hugged me. That's when it came to me about what we had done . Then I saw Scorpious. "What's wrong ". He looked at me and the next things he said where something we didn't expect. 'Hope.. Henry listen I think the price we pay is our memory and the chance to being born again that means we'll deage soon and the spell worked it sent us here and it also is going to let some of our family get the memories of the future we have to decide who'. It all made sense now i knew there would be something with the spell.
'okay so who all are we going to allow the memories to ' my usually fun filled brother became serious for once he really takes after papa kol and grandpapa Sirius .
'Isn't it obvious mom is definitely the first choice with aunt Hermione and aunt Freya'.

Scorpious pov:

Aunt Freya'. I knew she was right. 'My dad needs to remember, mom, Marcel , Davina, Bonnie and Vincent.. how about it' I looke at my cousins. 'yea you right these are the one in our family with the most common sense and could do something aswell and not think to rashly... What do you think Hope' we both looked at her she was in deep thought.

Hope Pov:

What do you think Hope' 
'Lets do it' After we worte down the names of the ones who'll bear the weight of the future we continued the spell and then again we were transported this time we ended up if front of....

Henrik pov

'Mom' the word left my mouth when I saw the woman standing infront of us. She looked the same as i remembered her shinning and beautiful so full of love and life. 'who' left her mouth then Asif something took over her then when she closed her eyes and opened them again she called us like she usually does.

Cassandra pov:

I don't know what i was doing untill the moment three teens were standing in front of me looking at me like they knew me and loved me for far longer than anything then i next words one of them uttered shocked me 'mom' that is what I heard. As if a spell was casted everything was blurred then i knew who they where, what they had gone through and what they had done to be here. They were my babies my little po and rickky and my dear scrop.
'My babies what have you done... You went through so much mom is sorry' all i could do was to hug them all three of them . And now all i could hear was there crying. My little hope looked at me and said 'I missed you so much we both did.. it was sooo hard dad was gone and papa kol and you also sacrificed for us everything was sooo wrong... We had to do it we just wanted our family mom' Henrik continued 'now we don't have much time according to scrop the spell us already completed with as you remember us and all.. now the price we pay is our memory and our age we are going to deage and we won't be born and we'll grow up in this time only you won't give birth to us but our younger siblings will be born so i guess it's fine right scrop' Scorpious my godson he really took after Draco a lot yea but he also has bekah's heart. 'Yea absolutely, take care aunty Cassy and do take me to my parents they remember.. I'll miss you too i guess' he cheeky smiled at me. And they hugged me again slowly in that moment in front of me instead of three teenagers where three toddlers . 'Mommy am sleepy' hope whining said i guess I have a task to fullfill now. First i need to go to mystic fall where the mikealson ball will take place soon and meet up with Rebekah and bonnie. A crack was heard behind me and there stood Draco huffing Asif he ran here instead of apparating. 'Dragon about time'
He looked straight at me and said Asif reading my mind 'lets go'. And Scrop's adorable shouts to his daddy where the only other thing that was heard.
This is my first time writing so please do give me a leeway and if grammatical errors are there then please do forgive me. I just wanted to try my hand at writing. Hope the chapter was good.
xxx Take care xxx

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