Killing the Grabber

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Your POV

Today was the day. Finney and I had everything all set up. All set up to finally kill the Grabber once and for all. Finney paced the floor nervously as I sat on the mattress and bounced my leg. 

"You ready?" I asked. He gulped but nodded. The light turned on. I quickly got up and ran to Finney's side as he picked up the phone and tightly clenched it in his hand. 

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. But when the door was opened, it wasn't the Grabber. 

It was some random ass dude. Finney and I looked up, startled. 

"No fucking way. I knew he was hiding something from me down here but holy Mary Mother of God!" The man said, flabbergasted. 

"Please, can you call my dad? Call my sister!" Finney exclaimed. "Or my parents, please!" I said. 

"Yeah listen, don't worry, he's not here. He had to go into work. I'm Max, stay calm." As far as I could tell, he was more nervous then either Finney or I. "No wonder her was freaking out this morning." 

Finney and I exchanged a glance. 

"Hey, you wanna know the story about how I found you guys?" The guys asked excitedly. 

Not really. I thought. Maybe once we were safely out of here. 

The door was opened for to reveal the Grabber as he sliced an ax into Max's head!

We screamed. I breathed heavily as Finney could barely breathe straight. 

Max stumbled further into the room before falling, a deathly cloud hazing his eyes. 

The Grabber was now covered in blood. His brother's blood. 

Gwen's POV

I paced as the detective's pulled up. They got out of the car. 

"Are you sure this is the house?" Detective Wright asked me. 

"Yes! I've never seen it before today, except in my dreams. The tree, the door, the address, the gate, every detail!" I exclaimed. 

"Step back." The officer said. I did as I was told. 

"Please hurry!" 

Your POV

"Look what you made me do. You made me kill my brother." The Grabber said to Finn. 

"No, it wasn't me, I-" Finney cried, voice breaking. 

"He was an idiot. But he was MY idiot." He approached his now lifeless brother, taking the ax out of his head, I gagged. "I'm sorry Max. Now I'm  gonna have to put you with the others. Looks like you'll find those naughty boys after all." 

"What's up with the phone huh? I TOLD YOU IT DOESN'T WORK! And as for you little girl, I had no interest in you but you just happened to get in my way. Had to save your little boyfriend huh?" He turned back to Finney. "Normally, I would use a knife. But you, are special Finney. I'm gonna take my time. I want this to REALLY HURT." He said. Finney gulped and pushed me back. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"Trust me." He answered. 

"SAMSON!" The Grabber called. A big burly dog ran down the stairs. Scary looking dog. Finney eyed up the dog nervously. 

The Grabber tied the dog to the wall before standing in front on Finney yet again. He swung the ax at Finney but he ducked away and ran over to our trap. The Grabber got up and chased Finney. I ran over, far enough away from the action, yet still far enough away from the vicious dog. 

Finney pulled the cord and the Grabber tripped falling into the hole. I winced as I heard his ankle snap from the grate. He cried in pain. 

Finney stood up and used Robin's technique to hit the Grabber with the phone. Until the Grabbed caught on. He grabbed Finn in a headlock and I ran over and kicked the Grabber in the back on the head, taking his mask as I stood back up. He put his hands up to his face a screamed in embarrasement. Finney got up and hit him with the phones was more. He tossed the phone to me as he grabbed the cord. Finney jumped over and we strangled the Grabber. 

The phone rang. 

"It's for you." I said. I held the phone up to his ear. 

"Welcome to the nightmare end of your pathetic little life." Vance. 

A laugh sounded. "You. Don't. Have. Much. Time." Griffin. 

"Today's the day motherfucker!" Vance again. 

"I can't kill you, you hijo de puta, so Finn and y/n are gonna do it for me!" Robin. 

"Finn's arm is mint!" Bruce. Finn snap the line. 

The Grabber was gone. Forever. We dropped the phone and Finn threw a piece of meat for the dog. We proudly walked up the stairs, hands intertwined. 

That hijo de puta was dead. 

Guys, the chapter we've all been waiting for! After the actual plot itself, I might make a few special chapters....

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