The Fight

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I walked to school that Monday with Gwen and Finney. I don't know how we started this conversation, but yet here we are. 

"I don't know. Everyone says Fonsie or Richie. Millie says Potsie!" Gwen says. 

"I don't think you should trust anyone who wants to marry Potsie." I said digustedly. 

"That's what I said! I think I'll just stick to my current plan and marry Danny Bonaduche." Gwen said. 

"No, Richie is wayyyy better!" I argued. 

"Neither of you are gonna marry a member of the Partridge Family." Finney said. 

"Your just mad that if she marries Richie, she can't marry you." Gwen teased. Finney... blushed? I scoffed. 

"Anyways, he's so crucial! I love his voice." Gwen simped. 

Finney stopped abruptly and stared at the fence. 

"It's new." He said. Gwen and I stopped walking and turned to look at him. 

"What is?" Gwen asked. 

"The flyer." He gestured to the fence. I glanced at the flyer. 

"Mr. Yamada's putting them up again." I confirmed. 

It read: 

Missing Child

Bruce Yamada / 14 years old 

Gwen looked at it skeptically. 

"You don't think their gonna find them, do you?" Finney asked. 

"Not how they want to." Gwen said. I knew what she meant. Finney looked sad. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. He smiled. 

"Come on lovebirds. Let's go, we're gonna be late." Gwen said. I let go of Finney's hand as we jogged to catch up to Gwen. 

When we turned the corner, we saw half the school gathered on the sidewalk. 

"Fight fight fight fight!" Some kids were chanting. We ran to see the commotion. 

Robin! My other best friend, standing face to face with the biggest bully in school, Moose. Robin may not look strong, but ever since Vance Hopper was taken, Robin's the toughest kid in school. 

"You think you're sooo tough." Moose said with a mean look. 

"Let's find out." Robin said calmly. 

"I will pound you, like a nail you scrawny little beaner." Moose threatened. 

"Then do it. Unless your scared." Robin dared. 

Moose threw a punch. Robin dodged it and threw his backpack into him. Moose hurled over in pain. Robin threw the bookbag to the side and roundhouse kicked Moose in the face, right into a pole. Everyone cheered. 

"Get him Robin!" Gwen exclaimed. 

"Yeah Rob!" I cheered. Finney elbowed me. I shrugged. 

Moose swung again. Robin used his karate training and took Moose down. Once Moose was down, he punched him over and over and over. 

"Let's go." Finney said, grabbing me by the hand and directing Gwen's shoulder. 

"Holy shit!" Gwen exclaimed before being dragged away by Finney. 

We walked towards school. 

"What the hell! That was Moose!" Gwen exclaimed. 

"I don't care." Finney said. 

"Moose is a giant asshole!" I agreed with Gwen. 

"I know." Finney said. 

"But last year, when he made your nose bleed...." I began. 

"Y/n." He said sternly. 

"He had it coming." Gwen said. 

"No one has THAT coming." Finney argued. 

"Finney, he beat you up!" Gwen exclaimed. 

"I know Gwen, I was there remember?" Finney said. Gwen and I both looked down. 

"I just don't wanna talk about it." Finney stated. 

 "He was dumb to pick a fight with Robin Arellano. He's the toughest kid in school ever since the Grabber got pinball Vance Hopper." Gwen began. 

"I wish you wouldn't call him that." Finney stated. 

""Everybody called him pinball Vance." Gwen stated. 

"No, I mean-" Finney began. Gwen cut him off. 

"I know who you mean jerkface! Even the papers call him the Grabber!" Gwen argued. 

"I just wish you wouldn't say his name." Finney said. 

"Listen to you brother Gwenny." I took Finney's side on this one. Gwen didn't need to be in the middle of this right now. 

"Your supposed to be on my side." She pouted. 

I shrugged. 

"You don't actually believe that story, do you?" She asked, turning to Finney. 

"No." He said.

"Because he can't hear you. He doesn't really take kids that say it." Gwen said. 

"I know that." Finney said. 

"Finney!" She exclaimed. 

"I said I know!" He exclaimed back. 

"Then say it." She said. 

"No." He chuckled. 

"Are you chicken?" She asked. He looked away. "I didn't mean it." 

"I know." He said. He put an arm around her shoulders and we walked the rest of the way to school. 

The Black Phone: Love in a Hopeless Place (Finney x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt