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The stigmas

Cover our faces

Leaving us vulnerable and weakened.

What if we see the world differently? Does that make us a part of the outcast unknown?

A wise man once said - live and let live.

Abandoning the dogmas, you shall stick to mundane,

Otherwise they'll eat you alive.

A fog, like denial

Covers your judgement

Behind a sheer curtain

Leaving your body resting in peace.

But is it that?

If you're only seeing the clouds

Through tinted sunglasses?

Is it fair to say,

That everything you wished for

Looked beautiful,

As long as you're under a shade?

Plastic bag,

Wrapped and tied around your head. Breathe in -

Now exhale.

Is it distressing enough?

Take a sip of bleach.

Perhaps a longer sluggish gulp to burn your fairytale

And leave it hanging on a thread of ash.


This ain't make-believe fairytale

Where they all live happily ever after

It's a burden you'll carry for the rest of your forlorn days

Stay who you are

Be someone

Not no one

Be you.


Confessions of a Melancholic Dreamer #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now