Chapter IV

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The warm sun was slowly leaving Gondor's horizons for the night when Aragorn entered his room. The day had been rough and he could not be more eager to finally fall into bed. Even if sleeping during those war times seemed unwise he had people checking on his realm and he knew he could not be effective in the absence of rest. Yet in all the horrors surrounding him the only thing settling in his mind was his ruined relationship with Legolas. The only thing he could read when being with the elf was anger but in no way he could explain the reason for it. It just seemed so senseless, it took all of his joy away. And he felt guilty and almost hated himself for being so focused on something that was anything but major for his kingdom. This relationship was only important to him and even Legolas' interest in it seemed to have faded away.

The king opened the door to his room and his eyes fell directly on Arwen who greeted him, a book lying in her hands. "Good evening, Aragorn."

Aragorn greeted her back and he was happy to find warmth when he got in his loose clothes for the night. The air Aragorn exhaled was loud in the silence of the place but he could not hold it anymore as his hand finally met the blanket he craved so much. "How is the book?"

"Very pleasant, thank you." Arwen's voice was soft and kind but not enough for Aragorn to totally focus on it. He tried to enjoy his return to bed as much as possible and despite all the love he had for the wise elf next to him he could not really care less about her book. Finally he was going to forget about what troubles him in a peaceful sleep, he envied it. "What about you? How was the day you want so much to end?" She closed her book and Aragorn could see and hear that she was not oblivious to his gestures.

"I have known better." His body had finally got under the sheets and it granted him exactly what he expected. "And yes, the idea of having some rest is most welcomed right now." The two of them stayed silent in a form of peaceful denial. They both knew something was wrong but speaking about it would make it way too real. However, they also were wise people, and knew it was not the best decision. But they still made it and Aragorn replaced the matter with another one. "I seem to be unable to understand why your father will not bless our wedding. Do you think we should just do it and tell him afterwards?"

At first Arwen thought it was a joke from the king but when she met the look he had she understood Aragorn actually considered it. "You do not want to do that, trust me. It would destroy all we want to create with this wedding. You can not get peace by starting another conflict, do not be a fool."

"You must be right." Aragorn was holding on to all the good things their wedding would bring but ruining one more friendship -especially with someone as Lord Elrond- was not worth it all. "Did you talk with him? Maybe he has a good reason but he is hiding it from me, I could not have less doubts. I fought years for the elves and accepted all the lessons he gave me about them. No one has more respect for your kind than me and I think I have proven it many times. He even is the one who made me who I am today, someone else could not know me better than he does. Yet he does not trust my devotion and it seems like a helpless cause."

"Do not blame it on yourself, Aragorn. Nor my father. The more I wonder about it the more I seem to see the real person behind this fence. It is not your good friend Elrond."

Aragorn got curious about the matter, he had not considered it that way before. "Tell me what is on your mind, please."

"Well, my father had not always supported our wedding but it changed when he saw our feelings were real. Despite it seeming impossible, he accepted it and his mistrust vanished for good. Now it appears to be back but I do not believe he would come back to his former position unless someone he trusts made him do it, or at least guide him towards it." She let silence before speaking with a form of precaution, as if what she was about to say could be heard the wrong way. Aragorn got ready for her next words and leaned his body towards her, his elbow now supporting his body. "Do not think I am blaming her for anything or even challenging her position in our realm. But if I have been able to witness someone changing my father's stubborn mindset, it is Lady Galadriel. She sees things we can not explain and she deals with it on her own. Who knows what could have made her take you in another direction."

Greenleaf (Legolas x Aragorn)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon