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Long ago, in the region of Ru'ann, there lived a small village known as Phoenix Drop. A few months ago, the village had suffered the loss of Lord Malik, due to unfortunate and mysterious circumstances. Now, it was running low on resources, and due to the bad decisions of the previous Lord, they had little contact with any other villages nearby.

Two guards of the village stood on the border, amiably chatting with one another, unaware of a figure clad in ragged green and brown garments, listening in to their conversation from the forest. One was taller and was wearing the old O'Khasis training uniform, and the other was shorter and wearing generic armour.

"It's been hectic now that the Lord's passed. I mean, there's barely any resources left, we have little to no contact with the other villages and I think the villagers are going crazy!" the shorter guard sighed.

"Fear not Zenix. I think I have a plan." the taller guard patted Zenix on the shoulder.

A twig snapped under the figure's foot and they muttered a curse. The two guards stiffened and Zenix turned to face the forest, his hand on his sword. The figure cursed again and fled through the forest.

"Did you hear that?" Zenix hissed, his dark eyes wild with anger.

"Whatever it was seems to have gone now. Well, that teaches us not to talk about our village's troubles when enemies could be listening in." The other guard sighed.

"That's true Garroth." And with those words, the two began their patrol.

Meanwhile, further in the forest laid a young man, who was battered and bruised. His mahogany hair was slightly tangled, and there was a cut on his pale face, and blood gently trickled down his face, staining the grass.

The figure apprehensively approached him, fearing that he would wake up. He did not stir. They inched closer and closer, before laying a beautifully hand-crafted obsidian sword next to him. Magic swirled around the prone figure and rose to the air before disappearing. Hearing footsteps, the figure took an orb from their bag, threw it down on the clearing floor and disappeared.

Zenix and Garroth broke through the trees, only to find the young man lying there on the forest floor, the sword next to him as well as the remnants of the figure's orb. Zenix picked the broken orb up and gently placed it in his bag. Garroth knelt next to the man and gently placed the sword in his empty sheath.

The man stirred and Garroth internally panicked. He gently took his gauntlet off and felt for a pulse. Having not felt one in his wrist, he felt for one in his neck and nodded at Zenix when he felt one. Garroth then replaced his gauntlet and stood up.

It was at that moment that the man woke up. He gingerly sat up and groaned, wiping the blood off his cheek. Garroth and Zenix looked at each other in panic. The man looked around, slight panic in his alluring green eyes, before staring at the sword in his sheath.

"First of all, where am I? Second of all, what is this sword doing in my sheath?" The man's voice was croaky and hoarse. He cleared his throat.

"You're in the forest outside the village of Phoenix Drop. And, anyway, we thought that sword was yours." Zenix crouched down next to the man. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh. My name's Elliot, and I think some big Jessie nicked my sword. Ah well, this one's mine now." Elliot shrugged and accepted Zenix's hand. "Thanks."

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