Ash x Reader || A really Trashy Confession

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You quickly fistbumped him , -"Hell Yeah dude , i have your back"-  , You said enthusiastically and Grom noded "Hey Y/N , Tell Ash i'll be gone for a couple of hours , until then , до свидания!" 

You lifted your thumbs up as a sign of "I will do it" as he began to walk away.

You sighed and clasped your hands nervously , to be completely honest , it WAS a bad idea to get in charge of a job of two. You really hope it wasn't some kid's birthday today , those things sure get messy. 

 you tried to get lost in your train of thoughts as a distraction from the mess around you , but soon enough you heard a loud crashing noise followed by someone screaming insults , you quickly turned your head to the direction of where that noise came from and stared at the obvious reason: Ash.

It seems like some random kid came running towards him while sweeping and made all the trash fall again onto the floor , or…at least that's what you could get from the view , It was Ash pointing at some kid and screaming at him , but the kids weren't even paying attention 

You approached the situation and stared at Ash while he continued yelling at the kids , but when he realized you were literally behind him he immediately stopped and looked embarrassed , he faked a cough and quietly but awkwardly continued sweeping the floor glancing at you a few times again

"So…" You awkwardly said , and to be honest? your way or working was returning the same energy as other people gave you , so if ash was being awkward , so do you.

You stared at the trash he was picking up and leaned down to help picking more up , He stopped for a second to see what you were doing and then continued

"Hard day uh? Maybe next month we'll get a day off or two" You tried making a quick chat 

Ash answered with some mumbles

-"Excuse me?... sorry i didn't heard what you say" you twirled your fingers nervously

-"I said …" as he continued mumbling with a bit of impatience 

You noticed he was running short of patience tried to play it off and make it seem like you heard him

"Oh! Oh haha , Yeah.. totally" you returned the comment with a big smile 

Ash looked up at you and sighed 

"Sorry Y/N , yer know i'm a bit of a crabbit sometimes , and this headache is killing me!" 

-"Oh! I have some pills if you want some?"

"Nah , no thanks Y/N , already popped a pill , i'm gonna get better soon" He smiled a bit at your gesture

"Hey Ash! How about i help you leave this place clean in about 5 minutes?" You cracked your knuckles and were obviously bragging about cleaning skills that were unmatched from a real expert like Ash

Ash stared at you and blinked a few seconds and then chuckled " But yer got delicate hands! , sorry Y/N but ya need real experience for this!" He nodded proudly of his work

You returned the stare and tried to play it smug -"Pfft…How hard can it be picking some stuff up and placing it on a bin?" 

" comes the hard part" he glanced to the side and saw some kids leaving nacho leftovers at the ground and messing the walls with some crayons 

You stared at the same place Ash was pointing at "Oh , Eww , But i think i get it now…" 

Ash replied "Aye , are yer backing off or nae?" 

"Not at all! I will fight to become your second in command…my noble Trash Knight" you twirled and bowed at him jokingly

Ash immediately blushed red in embarrassment "Haud yer wheesht" he said with a bit of laughter on his tone before brushing it off

Brawl Stars x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن