Chapter 9 Painted World PT 6 Conclusion

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Much would be needed to clean up, the Dino Bots were busy getting cleaned by Lawrence as they were messed up badly during their fight but nothing he couldn't fix. The others were ecstatic speaking amongst themselves though X had isolated himself from the others going down to the beach, the battle was won but were things about to just go back to being the same, or would this change the dynamic between his son and daughter?Eventually, his nose caught wind of a familiar scent as Crystal approached him with all smiles.

"Hey", she stated as she waddled her feet in the water.

"Crystal", he responded. "What brings you here?"

"What, can't I visit my friend in his time of need anymore?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

X nodded and stared out at the ocean waves as the two stood there in silence before Crystal started speaking

"I know you said you and Nero weren't on the best of terms during Washington, and even more so now that he's taking training advice from some guy we barely know", Crystal explained before caressing his cheek. "But this shouldn't stop your love for him, he's a teen, he's going to want to make his own decisions but he's going to need his father to have faith and trust in him".

"I.... :X began but seemed to have trouble with his words before composing himself. "I just wished he confided in me; I know I won't have all the answers".

"And that's fine, but you have to remember, this is his mother's legacy, hell it's Jodi's legacy too", Crystal reminded him. "And don't forget you have us to fall back on alright?"

Before X could respond a shout from above indicated that a portal opened, before Crystal could leave X had wrapped her in his giant arms to which she reciprocated fully.

"Thank you for being my friend Crystal, sometimes I wonder what I would do without you", X told her.

"Right back at you", she commented, smiling to herself.

Nero, Jodi, Ayshi, Irina, and a jubilant Ellie barreled through the portal landing into the arms of Aaron as the group laughed welcoming them back, many of whom were praising the group's efforts on stopping the invasion. It didn't take long for Jodi to spot her father coming up the slope and running to meet her father, Nero hung back slightly but realized he needed to speak with the man as he went over to him and the two locked eyes, but X hugged his son surprising the boy.

"I thought you'd be upset", Nero stated.

"Initially I was, especially at your accusations but slowly that faded as your safety was more important", X admitted. "I now see that even that is no longer my concern seeing as you and your sister handled yourself quite well".

"Does this mean that you trust me?" Nero asked.

"It will take time for me to adjust knowing you can handle yourself and this power that belonged to your mother is your own, your destiny", X told him as he caressed his cheek. "I will not bombard or interfere in your training but be wary of Kars, I am still not convinced of him".

"I'll be careful father", Nero told him with a bright smile as the three hugged. Luke who had been speaking with Ellie noticed a young woman hanging back from the portal, her hair seemed to be a mixed color, eyes tired despite the smile but there was this strange sense of familiarity about her. This was confirmed as the gold lightning within him resonated almost as if the power became sentient.The two locked eyes and Luke looked into her eyes before finally speaking.

"Sister?" he asked silently.

"Half-sister but yes we are related", she answered simply.

"You don't seem all too thrilled", Luke commented.

"I've been kept prisoner in my realm for years, seeing a different dimension and seeing another family member", Yuria pointed out. "Forgive me for my lack of feeling, it's just a bit much".

"No judgment here", Luke chuckled as she returned his heartwarming smile. "So, you knew my dad huh?"

"You mean our father", she corrected. "My name is Yuria, the third child of Rhejun Bastarachie".

"Hmmm, my book never mentioned her", Luke thought. "So was father not fully telling Fariah or did she purposely not know herself".

"If you're the third child then where are the others?" Luke asked.

"I am not sure, it's been so long since I have seen the oldest, my other brother disappeared I can only assume the worst", she responded solemnly but Luke placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be so sure, I hear our family bloodline can be quite stubborn when it comes to dying", Luke told her reassuringly as she smiled back at him.

Soon enough the portal reappeared, and it was time for Yuria to return along with Aurora and the others who were bidding goodbye to their comrades, but just before they left the small girl who had kept silent stared directly at X and whispered telepathically to him.

"You will soon find purpose, but it will lead you down a very tragic and dark road", she spoke and with that, they left, and the portal closed.

X was slightly put off by the warning and it concerned him to no end,

"What did she mean, and why do I have a feeling this will be important?" X thought.



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