Chapter 3 Power Struggle

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It was no more than a simple deal, yet here she was scraping the dark underbelly of human society. Nedera scoffed at her bad luck but went into the bar nonetheless to meet up with her contact whoever this was. She had been traversing Europe for some time now but had barely given any thought to the last couple of years.

"This seems like the place," she said to herself entering the small bar she frequented since her arrival in the city of Kiev.

While she took her seat and kept to herself as she frequently did she began to wonder if she would ever see her comrades again, it had roughly been 5 years, 5 years since that climactic battle, 5 years of her defeat to them. She had dreamed of the two almost every night wanting to succumb to the same embarrassment, however, she wondered if Vaughn was truly gone. His powers were otherworldy but that man X was just as strong if not stronger, how she wished to at least be talking to someone and not herself.

Eventually, she sensed a strong presence approaching the bar but didn't make anything of it but when the individual came into the bar all eyes were on him

Eventually, she sensed a strong presence approaching the bar but didn't make anything of it but when the individual came into the bar all eyes were on him

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He radiated such energy that it was hardly unnoticed by Nedera who quietly minded her own business as he stepped through the bar and was heading her way. Upon reaching his destination he didn't take a seat just merely made eye contact with her and it was slightly unnerving.

"You must be Nedera, the alchemist", he spoke.

"Depends on who's asking", she responded not interested in small talk.

"Your contact awaits you on the outside if you would please follow me", he told her and disappeared from view.

"Teleportation, consider me intrigued", she told herself and teleported following the energy signal.

She soon found herself off a hill not familiar to her within the country and saw the man from earlier along with a cowboy hat-wearing individual with a smoking blue double-barrel shotgun.

"Ex Caliber?" she questioned.

"Been some time Missy Nedera, can't say the times have been gratuitous to either of us", Caliber replied with his strong Southern accent.

"How did you even find me, this is halfway across the world and weren't you in Egpyt?"

"Well after my complete failure in Egypt let's just say I've been off the rail for some time", he told her and went on to explain his brief short-lived confrontation with Werner, Imani and Zane.

"So you ran for your life", Nedera deduced.

"Call me a coward if you want, I was not about to be some demons afternoon lunch, after all, I heard what went on in Washington", he responded snidely and Nedera flinched. "So your precious leader kicked the bucket or did he just abandon the cause?"

"I..... I don't know", she replied shakily. "Even so it looks as if it's fate that has brought us together".

"Fate my ass, this one simply sensed your power and I figured it was you just based on your behaviour", Ex Calibur noted causing her to roll her eyes.

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