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"bobby why do you need to go to the hard deck tonight? you just got in town, i want to see you."

"im sorry sweetheart, i promise ill be home early. i just want to meet the others that were called back."

bob and i havent seen each other in almost four months. i had to leave the screaming eagles in lemoore because i had been called to top gun. of course bob had already graduated himself a couple years before i met him.

bob was unexpectedly called back to top gun for some kind of special detachment that i wasnt allowed to know anything about. he had only been in mirimar for a couple hours when he decided to go to the hard deck to meet his coworkers for the next month. i wanted him to stay because obviously i missed my husband.

i know im only 26 which is a little young to get married. i always knew i wanted to marry young and so when bobby proposed to me i said yes. i had met bob four years ago when i joined his squadron in lemoore. we hit it off really quickly and dated for a year and a half when he asked me to marry him. eight months later we were married.

i dont tell a lot of people that i got married at the age that i am because everybody likes to give me their opinion. most say that they dont think my marriage is going to last, some say they are happy for me. i wish people could mind their own business sometimes.

"sweetheart you need to let go of me now." weve been in the doorway of my small beach house for five minutes, my arms wrapped around bobby. he gives me one last squeeze and i let go of him. "ill be home before eight i promise. i love you."

"i love you too." i give him a kiss on his cheek as be walks away. i know its silly to miss him but seeing him walk away in his tan uniform makes it seem like i wont be seeing him in just a few hours.

i close the door and decide to start looking for a movie to watch while i wait for bob to get home. as i turn my tv on my phone rings. i look down to see that it is my friend tina, callsign tiger.  i answer quickly.

"hey babe, whats up?"

"get dressed, i heard theres a bunch of other hot ass pilots at the hard deck tonight, were going."

"tina you know im married, i dont care about that anymore." i smile at her even though i know she cant see me through the phone.

"well i dont care, im outside by the way." i hear a knock at the door. tiger and i have only been friends for four months and i already dont know what i would do without her. "look babe, we have the day off tomorrow so even if you dont care about the hot pilots then at least care about getting drunk off your ass."

"uhh fine let me get dressed real quick." i decide that it will be worth it to go and meet my husbands coworkers. i dont feel the need to remind tina that i dont drink as im sure she remembers.

i run upstairs and fix my makeup and put on  some high waisted, deep purple, corduroy shorts, and a light blue top with sheer bell sleeves with butterflys on them. my style is sometimes off putting to people but i just dont care anymore. i spend my entire time in high school trying to please the people around me but when i joined the navy i had less opportunity to dress how i wanted. i figured i better actually dress how i like in the few chances i get to.

i rush back down the stairs and open the door to see tina.

"damn girl, who are you trying to impress?" she looks me up and down.

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