Chapter 03

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Then I stepped through the portal to Hell, hoping that Kami gets that message quickly. 


"My Lord, you have a message." Said a demon, "From whom?" I asked. "It's from Kaminari, he has requested a meeting... He claims dire circumstances are at hand." I sigh as I take the parchment from the small demon, "I'll be on my way then." At that, I created a portal to the location Kami listed. When I came through though, nobody was there. "Kaminari?" I spoke into the dark, not a sound came after. I walked around a bit, then I found a note. 

Samael... Bakugo is in danger, they know he's in contact with you. Meet me under the cherry blossom tree we went to on the day I first met him. I will be there with him, as we need to discuss urgent matters. Do hurry, My Lord.

I was on my way before I even finished reading it. When I arrived at the park, I could see them both under the tree. As I walked over, Kami greeted me with a large smile. "S- Uh, Kirishima!" He choked, forgetting that I must only be known as Kirishima here in this realm. "Kami! You contacted me?" 

"Ah, yes. I needed to speak with you, and Bakugo just so happened to contact me about you. So I brought him along!" He said. "Weirdo" Bakugo said, I assume he was talking about Kaminari. "What do you need Kaminari?" I asked. "I've written it out for you so you can look at it later, go hang out with boom boom boy here" Kami said, laughing. "Thank you, I'll see you later then." Kami gave me a piece of paper, nodded, and left. "What's up Bakubro?" I asked.

"You said to contact you to hangout so here I am..." He said, looking down. "Well then let's go do something!" I pulled him to his feet and dragged him out of the park. We wandered aimlessly for awhile, then a nice pond caught my eye. So, I dragged Bakugo to sit by the pond with me. "Why did you want to go here?" He asked, I looked at him for a moment and then spoke. "There... Aren't many places like this where I'm from"

"Where would that be?" Boy he was just full of questions. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Which is likely very true. Would you believe somebody if they told you they were from Hell. "C'mon. It can't be that unheard of!" He said, laughing playfully. "I'm serious, you really wouldn't believe me. Plus, it really is that unheard of." I chuckled. "C'mon! I wanna know!" He kept pushing for an answer. I don't know why, but it's just so hard to say no to him. I sigh, "Fine... If you must know..." I pause for a long moment. "I come from Hell..." 

It was silent. "I embraced the life of villainy after the last human I told framed me for many unforgivable crimes... I am truly not a villain, I strove to become a hero here on Earth so that the stereotypes of Hell and demons could be broken... But that failed... Miserably." I went on, "You are the second human to know of this. I hope you do not make the same mistake the first did." He looked at me with eyes almost at tears, "That's terrible!" He threw his arms around me. All I could do was accept his warm embrace.

"I promise I won't do that to you." He said, looking into my eyes. We stared for what felt like an eternity before I broke his gaze. "I thank you for that." I said. My gaze fell to the ground as I sat silent. I felt Bakugo move beside me, so I turned my head to see what he was doing. He smiled at me and then he gently laid his head on my shoulder. I had to smile back. We sat there until dusk, it still didn't feel long enough. I feel like I could be around him forever. Then I heard him sigh, "I have to get back to the school" He said, I frowned. "I guess it is getting late..." We both got up and I offered to walk with him, "Are you sure, the pros wouldn't appreciate you showing up."

"I'm the king of Hell, what are the pros going to do?" I asked, laughing. "Fair point, let's get going." And at that, we set off on our way to UA. When we arrived, the pros were outside. "BAKUGO KATSUKI!" They yelled, "What are you doing with that?!" A gesture was made towards me. "It seems to me that you're more villainous than he is!" Bakugo retorted. "You little brat! What's that supposed to mean?!" The pro hero continued to yell, it had just turned into a yelling match at this point. "He's innocent! He didn't do any of what's on his record!" 

The pros and Bakugo were fuming. "And I'm assuming he's the one that told you that!" I finally recognized the pro that had been yelling as Vlad King. "Vlad! Pal!" I started in a fake cheery voice, "Leave him alone" I then said, dead seriousness written on my face as I glared at him. "Stay out of this Kisama!" He said, (Kisama, Japanese word for bastard) "Your input isn't welcome here." He continued. He's starting to piss me off.  

Bakugo looked at me, eyes wide and spoke "Y-your eyes..." At that moment I knew what was happening, I knew that my eyes had started to glow that crimson red. Wings unfurled from my back, and I saw Vlad King move quickly towards Bakugo. I can tell that I've been the only one to realize how corrupt Vlad really is as a hero. He grabbed Bakugo and threw him to the ground, "If you don't leave right now, the kid's gonna get hurt." He said.

"Get ready to die"

991 words

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