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"We should do secret Santa, like the band should." Vance said and Finn looked over
"What's secret Santa?"

"You pull someone's name and get them a gift, nobody knows who got who" Finn nodded
"Good idea. Invite griffin and Billy over I think it's time they're out of school! We can pull names" Bruce said happily, robin pulled out his phone texting the band group chat telling them to come over asap.

When the two boys got there Finn laid back against robins chest waiting for Vance to write all their names. "Finn what's your last name?"

".. Vance it's Blake"
"Yeah like how do you spell it?" He asked

"Oh my fuck" Finn said spelling it out and laughing to himself. The boys all grabbed a card opening them at the same time and Finn read it as robin  finney got super excited, but couldn't let people know who he had gotten. Finn knew he was gonna go all out for the boy, to show his appreciation.

They'd all decided that after the gig on Saturday they'd open the gifts. When they all got tired of each other finn and Robin decided to go out to dinner together. It made Finney nervous because he hadn't liked eating in front of others.


Finn and Robin sat down in a booth, Robin looked at the boy across from him picking at his fingers.
"Hey." He said gently

Finney looked up "hm?"
"Don't be nervous, okay love? Just act like I'm not here if that helps"

"Okay.. so" Finn stopped "how's lifeeee"
"Good" robin laughed "now stop with that cringy shit and ask normal things"
Finn nodded
"What got you into guitar?"

"Uhh well me and my dad used to play together- then he kinda dipped and left his with me so I learned by my own" he shrugged "well what got you into those drum things"

"Kinda similar to yours, my mom bought me a mini drum set for my 8th birthday and I learned and then when she died i decided to keep doing it to make her happy"

"Cool cool" robin said when a waitress came. Finneys face went into shock when he saw Donna look him up and down.
"Oh. Hi you two" she rolled her eyes "what do you want?"

"We'll both take a sprite and side of fries" robin said sharply. Donna wrote into her notebook before nodding "okay. Is that it?" She looked at finney and he nodded before she walked away.
"Bitch" robin scowled and finney laughed making the brunette smile.

"Your laughs so adorable" Finn stopped laughing and looked at him "really?"
"Yes. It's so goddamn cute"

Finney looked at him in the eyes as Robin leaned over the table kissing the boy. He pulled away looking him closely in the eyes "I love you-"he whispered.
"I love you too.." finney smiled before abruptly being interrupted with a cough. They both turned there heads to see Donna glaring at robin, she looked jealous.

"Here's your shit, finney I can't believe you." She scoffed before placing the food on the table and walking away. Finn shook his head obnoxiously along with Robin.
"Yeah she is a bitch" he looked at robin who immediately agreed.

The two of them ate there food as Robin payed the bill after a long whine from finney begging the boy to let him pay. When the two of them left the restaurant it was windy and slightly rainy. Finn shivered slightly catching an eye from Robin. Robin started to take his jacket off and handed it to finn.

"No. You'll be cold" he tried giving it back
"You were just sick, take it" he smiled and Finn looked down at it. The boy put it on rolling his eyes slightly "don't roll yours eyes. Or I'll make you
Uncoincidentally" robin smirked making finn roll
His eyes again on accident. Robin grabbed the boy pushing him into an alley they'd been passing, he pushed the boy lightly against a brick wall kissing him.

"We need to go to a party again soon and get high" finney mumbled
"Agreed" robin chuckled before leaving marks on the boys neck and letting go.

"What time do you need to be home by?"
"Eight" Finn said

"Okay, let's start going" robin said intertwining him and Finn's hand.


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