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Finney woke up in his room on top of the bed sheets shaking and sniffling. His head was ringing and he looked around to see his body sprawled out, looks like his dad put him in here so one of his hoes probably wouldn't see.

He looked over to see his phone, the time was 4 AM. He'd been out for awhile. He scrolled through messages from Robin asking where'd he'd gone, also some from Bruce and Vance seeing why he hadn't answered Robin.
Sorry. My dad needed me finney texted before shutting his phone off. He'd decided to get ready for school two hours early for the fuck of it. When finn walked in the bathroom he looked in the mirror to see a pale boy, he felt like a hallucination. He looked closely on the mirror to see a red rash looking thing from his jawline to his eye, a gnarly bruise on his cheek and a black eye. Shit.. Finn couldn't use his moms makeup to cover the shit anymore. His dad threw all his moms belongings out after her death, and now he had nothing he could do.

Finney sighed looking at his phone, it read December 1st. Everyone would be so happy and he'd be suffering silently.

The boy combed his hair and put on baggy sweatpants and a hoodie. As he was putting the hoodie on he looked at his severely bruised rib cage, the slightest touch made him wince. What was the point in Finn being here?

His phone rung beside him and he quickly answered it hearing robins voice
"Yes.?" He sighed
"Be outside in 10. Im picking you up love" robin smiled through the phone and finney bit his lip looking in the mirror once more.

"Okay.." he said before walking to his kitchen table and grabbing his backpack and a snack he knew he'd never eat. Finney put on his chestnut uggs before walking outside to see Robin pulling in. The boys hood was on so robin wouldn't see much of his face, but as soon as he hopped in the car robin looked at him.
"What's the head so hung low for?"
"Nothing." Finn said sharply
"Doesn't seem like nothing to me hermoso" robin lifted Finn's chin seeing the marks. He grabbed the boys wrist making him turn to look.

"Who did this."

"Nobody, i did it to myself"
"Fucking lies" robin became protective
"It's not a lie robin, just- I mind your business and drive to school already please" finney groaned and Robin looked at the boy once more before pulling out of the driveway.

"If that was from your dad finney I swear to god I'll fucking kill that basta-" he was cut off by a slam
"Shut up about it! Forget about it please Robin please" finney threw his head back before sniffling.

"I-okay.. sorry" robin said slowly pulling into the school parking lot, he parked the car going to open Finn's door as finn opened it himself.
".. I can do it myself robin"

Bruce and Vance walked over greeting the boys and finn quickly looked down. Bruce would start something with cops and his parents if he saw his face. "What's up with him?" Vance pointed and Robin shrugged.

"You good finn?"

"God- yes I'm okay! Stop asking people" Finn snapped looking up "it's so annoying- just leave me alone"

"Finn what the fuck.." Bruce mumbled "your face, it looks gnarly"

"You think I don't fucking know?" Finn said collapsing resting his body against robins car. "I can't do this.." he sighed.

"Wanna go to my house? We can all just take a resting day?" Bruce asked and finn sniffled.
"My dad would kill me...."
"My parents will call in for you-"

"Really?" Finn asked
"Yes. That's what friends are for"

"Okay.. thank you" finn sat up "we'll all take robins truck!" Vance said and finn nodded hopping in the front seat before grunting.

"Hm?" Robin said.

"If I show you can you like, not say anything.." robin nodded and finn rolled up his shirt to a purple chest.
"Oh my god-" his face was sore "I'm sorry..let's go to Bruce's and relax" robin looked back to see both Vance and Bruce fully in their seats so he scurried out of the driveway and down the block to Bruce's rich home.

When they got to the jozus Robin put his arm on Finn's shoulder "stay". Finn obeyed as robin walked over opening his door and reaching out for the boy, finn held robins shoulder and robin safely put his hand on unbruised spots pulling him out of the car.
"You good?"
Finn held his stomach "yeah I'm good" he said before walking into Bruce's house and sitting on the leather couch.

The boys turned a show on, as they all silently were amused to it.

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