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   Robin helped Finn pick out an outfit. Finn was scared, he'd always told himself to stay sober because of his father, but one time won't hurt him right?

Finney ended up wearing grey sweatpants and a baby blue tee shirt, and sunglasses to hide his extra high eyes tonight. Robin wore his usual outfit, a wife-beater, jeans and a bandanna.
"I'm excited!" Finney said and Robin looked at the boy.

"I have a rule." He said
"If we split ways. Call me immediately, but god please- don't do anything without me." Robin looked at him lowering his eyebrows. Finney nodded his head and smiled as the two got into the car. They listened to music, occasionally singing the lyrics they knew.
They arrived at Bruce's house and walked up to the door, when Robin opened it the house already reeked of weed, Finney recognized the scent. Robin sighed looking at the boy before pulling him to the counter.
"What kind of drink?"

"Whatever your having" robin smirked grabbing a jar of straight vodka and pouring it in a cup passing it over to the boy.

"Your meant to down it in one" he laughed "wanna do it together?" Finney nodded.

They counted down before downing the whole cup, it burned Finn's throat and his head went into a weird state at the new taste. The boys took another shot before Bruce walked over. "What's up!" He said and the two greeted him, Bruce told them they were playing seven minutes in heaven in twenty minutes.

When Bruce walked away Robin reached In his pockets grabbing out bags of god knows what
"What kind of drugs?" Finn stared at him

"Uhh I got weed, crack.., and marijuana" finneys eyes scanned the shit and pointed at one. "Mary Jane it is" he laughed. The boys smoked the drugs together in the back of Bruce's house before it was time for the game, they walked upstairs and Finney started getting a weird feeling in his body. He hadn't known whether it was the alcohol, drugs, or lack of food. About twelve people sat in a circle as Vance walked in, bottle In hand and he set it on the floor before collapsing onto Bruce's lap. People spun it, awkwardly walking to the bedroom and coming out as if they hadn't said a word in there. It was Robins turn to spin the bottle and his heartbeat fastened.

The bottle spun for what felt like forever..

Until he got


His eyes shifted to the boy who was looking dead at the bottle, Robins breathe hitched.

"What are you waiting for let's go" Finn stumbled up and Robin slowly got up following him. Leaving a glare at Bruce and Vance before.

(In the room)

"So.." robin said
"God kiss me" finney slurred and Robin looked at him in shock. The boy wasn't sober enough to think straight either.

"Ok.." robin said kissing the boy before pulling away his eyes glued shut as he looked at the ground. Finney was fed up and grabbed the boys collar quickly throwing them into a kiss. Robin grabbed the boys hair with a hand, setting the other on his waist. He placed hickeys around the boys neck that were big and noticeable. Robin could taste the alcohol on his tongue.


The door opened and Finney quickly pushed robin back. Bruce stood there silently.

"Uh seven minutes is up-" he said and they both looked down walking out, the game ended and Robin looked around for Finney. He hadn't seen the boy before looking into a bathroom and saw the boy leaned over a toilet.

"One to many drinks love?" He said and Finn glared at him.
"Can we go to your place?" The boy said before standing up flushing the toilet and leaning into Robin for a hug. Robin hugged the boy before pulling away to see Finney half asleep. Robin wrapped an arm around the very drunken boy walking him down the steps. When they reached the car he helped Finney into his seat, before driving off when he looked over Finn was fallen asleep in the seat.
"Hmmm" he slurred turning his head
"If I told you to take off those sunglasses. Would your eyes be blood shot?" Robin asked


"Okay let me see" Finney went to take off his glasses, missing them and throwing his hands down. Robin reached over taking the boys glasses off and Finn looked him in the eyes.

The boy has major bags under his eyes and they were redder than the maroon bandana robin was wearing. Robin bursted out laughing as the kid in the passenger seat started giggling. "Your cute when you laugh" finney blurted.
"Oh?" Robin said "you're cute when your high" Robin looked back at the road pulling into his driveway.

"Wanna.. kiss?" Finn giggled pointing out the window.

"In my driveway?" Robin raised his eyebrows
"Duhh where else?"

"If you wanna Hermoso"

"I wanna" finney stared blankly at robins lips before giggling again and leaning in. Robin cupped Finn's cheek kissing him, finney pulled away licking his lips.
"Woahhh" he said before looking down at himself and pointing at his neck "is this what you did earlier?"

Robin looked down at the boys neck seeing it covered in hickeys. His eyes widened "uhm- yeah I'll cover them up later"

"No keep them. They remind me of you" finney smiled "I like you- like like you"

"Finney your high." Robin sighed
"Yeah, but high words are sober thoughts!"

"Well, I like you too then.."

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