Chapter Four: The Chaos Demon: Anorak

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Everyone was now at the castle of King Elias, Y/n stood next to Sonic and Jason much to his dismay as the meeting began as Merlin bows to Elias.

Elias: Your timing couldn't be better! Merlin Prower! Sir Connery! Please rise and tell me what has brought you home.

Y/n: Wait who?

The boy looks over to see a humanoid like horse dressed in knight armor and bearing a blade.

The boy looks over to see a humanoid like horse dressed in knight armor and bearing a blade

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Sir Connery, The Knight

Connery: Oh? Who might you be, young man?

Y/n: Did you not see me helping you fight the Destructix or the Fearsome Foursome or whatever the fuck they like to name themselves.

Connery: My humblest apologies young one. I was too distracted in making sure Merlin was safe from harm. My name is Sir Connery!

Y/n: Y/n L/n.

The two of them shake hands in greeting to which everyone smiled at. Well, everyone but Jason that is.

Elias: Now that greetings are out of the way. What has brought the two of you home?

Connery pulls out a sword and holds it to Elias. The craftsmanship on the blade looked very impressive indeed.

Connery: I wasn't called from your fathers service by the Ancient Walkers

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Connery: I wasn't called from your fathers service by the Ancient Walkers. They gave me this—the Sword Of Light to purge the world of dark magic. With that duty finished, they charged me with guarding Merlin Prower and his precious captive.

Elias: Captive?

Y/n slides over to the horse knight and stares at the sword.

Y/n: Badass sword. Know where I can get something like that?

Connery: You would have to speak with the Ancient Walkers young one. They would decide if you were worthy to wield a weapon of this magnitude.

Y/n: Damn.

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