Chapter Two: The Freedom Fighters

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Rogue, Locke and Y/n were taking in the new look of Evil Sonic who has now decided to call himself Scourge. Rogue was in awe of the transformation of Scourge.

Rogue: You've...Changed!

Scourge: For the better, babe. No more "Evil Twin" shtick for me.

Locke: You'll be thrown out just as easy!

The old guardian charges towards Scourge who turns around and quickly counters with a savage right hook to his jaw, then follows it up with a powerful kick to his stomach and then finishes it off with a elbow to his head, knocking him out cold.

Scourge: Try that again, old man.

Y/n: Shit, there goes my way home. I guess I'll intervene then.

The boy looks down to the rock in his hands, it was now a dull green. Y/n sighs and rushes towards the green hedgehog.

Scourge: What? You want some too?

Y/n: Nope. But I gotta save my only way home. *Looks down at the gem in his hand.* Come on you piece of trash, work!

As he closed into Scourge, Y/n felt power within him begin to surface again as the gem begins to glow once more as his body shot out green electricity.


Scourge widens his eyes as he is met with a punch to his jaw. The green hedgehog gasps in pain as he looks to the boy who got into a stance in front of Locke, ready to fight as the green electricity coated his body.

 The green hedgehog gasps in pain as he looks to the boy who got into a stance in front of Locke, ready to fight as the green electricity coated his body

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(I know it's Deku but I couldn't find any close gif representation of green lightning that came to mind)

Scourge smirked as he wiped the mark away from his mouth.

Scourge: Seems you're more then human trash it seems.

Y/n said nothing as he immediately sped over towards the green hedgehog his fist reeled back ready for a punch.

Scourge: Bring it on humie!!

Y/n punches Scourge but the hedgehog quickly evaded the attack.

Scourge: Too slow, human!

Y/n growled and closed his eyes to increase the energy output from the gem he held tightly in his hand but is docked in the face by Scourge.


Scourge: The fuck is anime-

Y/n used the distraction as he smirked and charged at Scourged and kicked him in the chest which sadly didn't do any effective damage.

Scourge: You caught me off guard with that one! But,

Scourge rushes over to Y/n with speed that trounced the humans new acquired powers and delivered a strong attack to the human which was enough to make him drop the gem to the floor and immediately drop out of the state he was in as he falls to the ground unconscious.

The Superhuman Freedom Fighter - Sonic Universe X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now