Chapter One- The Beginning

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Moving into a new neighborhood that is 1000 miles away from your old house ain't that bad, especially if you got your bestie to move to.

It's been 4 hours since I arrived in my new home, the whole time unpacking and re-arranging everything, I have officially gone pretty cooked up.

After finishing unpacking, I look for my phone. It doesn't seem to show itself.

'MOM! HAVE YOU SEEN MY PHONE?' I shout loud and clear so my mother, who is downstairs can listen.

'Sweetie, check your bag! I saw it last time in there.' Mom replied with an equal voice level and tone.

I looked around and found my bag in the corner of my room, I reached for the bag and began opening and searching for my phone.

'Aha! There you are!' The phone was in the smallest pocket which was covered with my enormous amount of key chains dangling from it.

I quickly opened it, searched for the contact, and called Duwa. She picked it up roughly 5 seconds from the ringing.

'Hey girl, how's the unpacking going?' I asked, trapping the phone in between the left side of my head and my shoulder.

'Dude. I have been working my butt for more than 3 hours now, being tired would be an understatement.' She replied, sighing. I laughed, as expected from the second Dua Lipa.

'Anyways, what's going on at yours?' She continued. I told her that my unpacking was mostly finished and I just needed to wait for some stuff I online shopped to make the room more lively, the house unpacking was almost done too. Damn my mom is fast alright.

'Wow, girl! Even mom finished all her unpacking. I wonder how these women do it, it seems quite suspicious don't you think?' She questioned in a mischievous manner that sounded like she was going to do an investigation.

'Hmm.. anyhow, you wanna go explore the new neighborhood? This place screams good photos?' The damn right was I. The neighborhood had this modern black and white theme going on, with fountains scattered throughout the area and a lot of greenery, it was about to be sunset so I could bring out my camera and snap some sun photos.

'HELL YAH! I'LL MEET YOU IN 5 MINUTES, BE READY!' Duwa practically screamed through the phone, quickly ending the call. I think she was meaning to ask me but didn't, that's why she was extra happy.I quickly got my camera from my new shelf, tied my hair in a messy ponytail, letting my baby hair frame my face. I wore my van and headed downstairs.

'And where are you heading?' My mom asked peeking out of the kitchen. I held my hands up as if I was surrendering.

'Oh mom, I'm going with Duwa to explore the neighborhood. We're going to take some photos of the sunset.' I explained. She nodded and told me to don't be out too late. I nodded and bid goodbye.

As I went out, Duwa wasn't there. I was expecting that though. She is the type to be late even if she picks out the timings. I'm used to it now. (Sweat-drop)

The weather was chilly, I should have worn a jacket. Winter is about to start soon so weather changing is a normal thing.

Looking around and not finding Duwa, I quickly went back inside my house and ran upstairs. I got a hoodie and wore it and ran back downstairs. I told mom to lock the door.

As I came outside, I saw Duwa walking towards me. I waved to her and jogged my way to walk beside her. We said our 'hey' and 'hello's' and walked to the entrance of the neighborhood.

We walked around for some time, we came across two houses that were different from the other ones in the neighborhood.

They were bigger in size and looked much more advanced. I got more curious and thought of something.

'Oi Duwa, wanna see who's the owner of this place?' I asked in a mischievous voice. Duwa looked up at me and smirked.

'Why not?' She replied with the same tone. This is why I love her. She doesn't care even if we get in trouble.

'This is the exact reason I love you, so there is a small super-market around here somewhere, I saw it while coming here. We get some sweets and present them to this house. Let's see who opens the door.' I told her my plan. She smirked so hard, I'm not even lying.

'YOU'RE A GENIUS!' She said in a proud motherly voice. I replied with an 'I know I am.' and we headed towards the store.



I swear, we're bringing our skate boards next time, I'm gonna die. This place is so big.' I whined as we carried two big cases of 2 Ferrero Rochers'.

We reached there in roughly 5 minutes and stopped in-front of the houses.

'So who should we first give it to?' Duwa asked. Honestly, I had no clue. We decided to split up and deliver them at the same time in different houses, we 'ini mini miny moed' our houses. Very adult-like, I know.

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