Chapter 16: A Dream Come True

Start from the beginning

"No." She whispered. "I already had this and I almost threw up about three or four times. What we had was perfect."

"In front of the Ball of Twine?"

"I was standing in front of you," She nuzzled her nose with his. "That's more than perfect."

With a grin, Five touched his forehead to hers, swaying to the music in complete bliss.

Once everyone was tuckered out from dancing, they moved to the tables to replenish their stamina by indulging in the food spread. (Y/N) had sat herself down at her shared table with Five, a plate in one hand and a drink in another, when she saw Chet taking a photo of Luther and Sloane. She softly smiled at them before realizing that no one had given any speeches. She turned to Five just as he walked up to the table with two more glasses of alcohol to add to the collection on the table. "I'll be right back, okay?"

He nodded and watched her leave the table and go up to the DJ booth, grabbing the microphone and standing at the edge of the dancefloor. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

Her family paused their conversations to look up at her with curious gazes.

"Uh... as Sloane's maid of honor, I'd like to give a speech before I'm absolutely shit-faced for the night." She pulled a few chuckles. "Luther... I know you and I have never been the best of friends and I'm glad that's changed. If I've learned anything from experiencing a countdown to my death for a third time now, it would be that I need to love who is true to me, then to cherish who I love. And I love you, Luther. I wish I said it more, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. It is, and... it's been a blast being your sister."

It all started to sink in that this may be the last time she would see her family. She didn't know if that caused her eyes to water, or the sight of Luther wiping away his tears. Perhaps both.

"Sloane, though the first time we met, you tried to kill me, I can't say it's nothing that hasn't happened before. I'm so happy that our best moments were within an hour, inside a weird-ass hotel room, sipping on wine and listening to jazz as everything around us got sucked into a black hole. Because I learned that my new family member is one I'm proud to call my sister. Luther, this one's a keeper," She winked, earning some more chuckles. "Sloane... I can safely say that you are in good hands with my brother. And your (Y/N)'s smiling down at you right now. I know it."

Sloane fanned her eyes to keep her tears at bay as she grinned at (Y/N).

"Congratulations, you two." She lifted her glass, everyone else doing the same and cheering for her as she returned the mic and went to the newlyweds to exchange hugs and kisses.

Having the perfect opportunity, Klaus danced his way over to Five and pointed at him. "Cinco! Mi hermano." He greeted his disgruntled brother and sat beside him. "Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So, what say you and I pop up to the suite for a little chitchat?"

"What, are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?" Five frowned at him.

"This dad's different. He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside."

Five swallowed the liquor in his mouth and looked up at his brother. "Klaus?"


"Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart. And you're lucky (Y/N) isn't over here right now or else she'd rip you a new one. This is the happiest she's been in the last few hours. So!" He dropped his shot glass into a bigger glass, both fizzing up and spilling over a bit. "My only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition, and then enjoy my possible last time having sex with my wife."

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