Chapter 14: The Thing in the Basement

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Warnings: violence, alcohol, death, mentions of violence, racism and death

Word Count: 4701

Beautiful might have been one word to describe the Kugelblitz. Its fiery orange and red swirled together in a bright ball that created a wind around it. The Hargreeves families slowly approached it behind Fei, all in a silence filled with both fear and awe.

"Oh, wow." Diego whispered out. Lila scoffed from beside Fei.

"That's what took Stanley."

Fei nodded. "Along with a few other billion people."

"Yeah, who I didn't know and don't care about."

"Right. So, it's all about you."

Five rolled his eyes as he made his way around the Kugelblitz to inspect it. "All of us are irrelevant. This thing's gonna take the whole damn universe. What is it made of?"

"Micro black holes collapsing at increasingly short intervals." Sloane answered.

"Then why aren't we getting sucked inside?"

"Honestly, we don't know. You shouldn't exist here, and neither should this."

"An impossibility for an impossibility." He shook his head. "The universe is a sucker for balance."

"Grace has been tracking the waves," Fei informed. "Next one is due in three hours."

Diego nodded from behind her. "Alright, so what do we do?"

"We trap it." Sloane responded.

"Dyson sphere?" Five raised a brow.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Okay," He clicked his tongue and stepped closer to her, crossing his arms over his chest. "Confinement factor?"

She cocked her head, surprised that he questioned her intelligence. "0.98 at peak energy flux."

"Tensile strength?"

"UTS ceiling at ten thousand gigapascals."

Lila grinned. "Should I be finding this hot?"

"No!" Diego and Luther exclaimed.

From where she was standing away from the group, against a wall with her arms crossed, Allison voiced herself. "What do you think, Five?"

He glanced at the Kugelblitz. "Could work. Or we could all die horribly." He thought over what other choices they had, and ultimately he came up with nothing. So, he clicked his tongue again and shrugged. "I'm in."

"You're not the one we need." Ben rudely said.

"Excuse you?" Allison furrowed her brows.

Before anything could get out of hand with Allison's current attitude, Fei explained. "For this to work, we need Sloane, Lila, Christopher and-"

"Viktor." She scoffed, pushing herself off the wall and beginning to head upstairs. "Of course."

The younger (Y/N) watched her go, a sort of annoyance spiking in her. Allison was starting to get on her last nerve and she still had yet to truly talk to her since their argument at the hotel. It possibly was a bad idea going to speak with her, as it would most likely end in a screaming match, but no one but Viktor was talking sense into her. So, with a quiet word to Sparrow (Y/N) that she would return, she followed her sister upstairs. When she found Allison, she was standing at the bar, fishing a flask out of her pocket. When she noticed (Y/N) entering the room, she chuckled and rolled her eyes.

To NightfallTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon