Loki - Loud Noises

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The Stark party was in full swing and where normally Y/n would be dancing and having fun with her husband Loki, she felt very panicked and hid in the corner. She has never told anyone about how loud noises sometimes messes with her anxiety. It's rare but when it happens it can get bad for her. She sat in the chair that was in the corner trying to control her breathing as she hugged her knees to her chest. The loud music making it harder for her to breath as the overwhelming thoughts plagued her mind. Why is the music so loud? You're an avenger, noise shouldn't be this big of a deal. Hurry up and calm down or Loki will worry.

The last thought was true. Loki immediately realized his wife wasn't by his side. For an hour he searched the party looking for Y/n. For an hour he debated on taking the djs microphone to make an announcement on if anyone knew where his wife was. But he found her, curled up in a ball of anxiety with tears streaming down her face. Did someone hurt her? Did something happen?

"Love? Are you alright?" Y/n tensed hearing Loki call out to her. She met his gaze and more tears fell from her eyes as she stared at her husband. Loki got more worried and knelt down in front of her. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"I..." Then the crowd cheered as a loud popping sound was heard. Y/n winced and whimpered as her breath grew harsher. Her brain couldn't process anything happening around her. She gripped her hair in an attempt to ground herself. Loki quickly pulled her to him and teleported them to their apartment in the tower. As it suddenly got quiet Y/n started to calm down slowly.

"That's it... breath darling. I'm right here with you." Loki traced soothing circles on her back as he swayed them back and forth. "Focus on my heart beat and breath with me." Loki has had enough panic attacks himself to know when someone else was having one. Her breathing finally slowed but Loki kept swaying with his love.

"L-Loki...?" Loki hummed and met his wife's gaze. "I'm so sorry... I d-didn't mean to ruin your night..."

"Darling you could never ever ruin my night. Why would you ever think that?" Y/n looked away and but her lower lip. "Darling please look at me." Y/n shook her head no and buried her face in Loki's chest.

"I g-g-get really bad anxiety... f-for no reason at all... s-sometimes loud noises cause it a-and sometimes silence c-causes it." Loki's heart clenched. 3 years married and 6 years together in total, he had never known this about his wife.


"A-A-And I never told y-you because e-everyone always g-gets irritated with me b-because I ruin th-their night..."

"They told you this? Who is they?" Loki felt very angry that people have told her this, making her hide it from him in fear of losing him.

"Family... friends... myself..." Loki's heart shattered in that moment. He cupped her cheeks and made her look up at him. He wiped her tears with his thumbs and kissed her forehead.

"I will never ever leave you. I want you to understand that you having anxiety changes absolutely nothing. You are my queen, my whole world. If you are struggling I want you to come find me, no matter what I'm doing. I want you to rely on me as I rely on you." Y/n teared up for a whole new reason and smiled a bit. "Do you understand?"

"Yes." It was like a sigh of relief. Y/n didn't need to hide anymore nor did she have to do it alone. "I love you."

"I love you too my darling." Loki then captured her lips with his as he began to sway back and forth with her again. Neither of them making it back to the party.

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