Loki - I Didn'tMean That -

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Y/n sighed and stared out the window, watching the rain pour down on the city below. It's week two now of Loki's two day mission. She decided to leave their shared apartment in the tower and interact with the others. Sure she left the apartment for groceries or to turn in paperwork, but she spent majority of her time working in the apartment... hoping to see Loki as soon as he gets home. Once she walked out, Natasha and Wanda perked up.

"Look who has finally joined us!" Wanda cheered.

"I think that's the longest you have been cooped up in your apartment." Natasha stated. "Come on, the gang is all wanting to have a game night." Y/n nodded and followed them into the common area only to be met with a site she didn't expect to see.

"When did he...?" Y/n started as Loki met her gaze and was wide eyed.

"Last week. Didn't you.." Y/n turned on her heal and stormed off, not letting Wanda finish her sentence. Loki panicked and quickly took off after her.

"DARLING WAIT! I can explain!" Loki called out as Y/n entered their apartment and grabbed her go bag. She turned to face Loki. Her face was covered with tears and she glared daggers at Loki. "Darling please I..."

"A week... you have been home a fucking week... while I sat here worried about you, you have been home...." She pushed past him as she stormed towards the meeting room to pick a mission to go on. Loki quickly followed behind her.

"Darling please I know what it looks like but..."

"Didn't you think about me at all?" Y/n asked as she stopped and faced Loki. His heart shattered as he looked at her.

"Of course I did." Loki took a step towards her and she took a step back. "I just wanted some alone time and..."

"You thought it best to keep me in the dark of where abouts, your safety, and let me sit there waiting for you?! You could have just told me you needed space and that you were home safe! What the hell Loki?!" Loki looked down. "What if I did this to you?!"

"I know I'm sorry but you worry all the time! I just wanted some alone time without you asking me how the mission was or if I am ok! In a week you texted me 15 times asking if I was ok!" Y/n stared at Loki in silence. "SAY SOMETHING!"

"Well there's not much left to say now is there." Y/n stated and handed Loki her phone. "Enjoy your alone time Loki. Hold on to this so I don't bug you."

"W-Wait... I didn't mean that... Darling please stay so we can..." Y/n picked a mission and left without telling Loki good bye or telling him that she loves him. Loki watched her leave and his heart ached. He pocketed her phone and then walked out to the team where he was met with Natasha, Wanda, and Thor.

"Brother... she only texted you 15 times in 7 days? That's barely two texts a day..." Thor stated.

"I get needing space but if you asked her she would have given it to you and not kept herself cooped up in your apartment worrying herself sick over you." Natasha said. "She's rational. Always has been. She knows that you guys have to do your own thing. She would have been able to take a mission or enjoy her own time if you would have just told her."

"I know... I-It was just the first excuse I could think of..." Everyone stared at Loki in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Wanda asked. Loki pulled out a little green box and opened it. The three gasped as the beautiful emerald engagement ring was made visible.

"I figured if she thought that I was still on a mission she wouldn't get any suspicions... I took forever to pick the ring and I was trying to come up with the best way to propose... I didn't want to head to her until I had everything perfect... instead I messed everything up...." Loki closed the box and left for the apartment while the three stared at the god in shock.

— 3 Days Later —

"Bruce I'm fine. Just a few scratches and bruises." Y/n smiled sadly at Bruce. She dreaded coming home because that meant that she would have to face Loki. After getting her cuts cleaned and bandages she walked to their apartment door. The light was on and she could hear Loki pacing. She could sleep somewhere else like he did. She could lie about being back like he did but all she wanted was to be in his presence. Even if it meant that he would break up with her or he would disappear right when she walked through the door. She took a deep breath and opened the door, walking in.

"Darling?" Loki quickly ran up to her and cupped her face. He examined the bandages on her face and the bruises. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Y/n didn't look Loki in the eye.

"Not physically..." Loki's heart sunk. "Please leave me be to take a bath. I'm sore from the mission." Loki nodded and watched her head to the bathroom. Once she was in the bathroom and she turned on the tub, she slid to the floor. She tried to fight it, she really did, but she couldn't stop the loud sobs escaping her mouth. They were so loud she didn't even hear Loki burst in. Loki knelt before her with tears in his eyes.

"Love... please look at me." Y/n shook her head.

"Do... Do you not... Do you not want to be with me anymore?"

"I always want to be with you Love... I've done this all wrong.... So so so so so wrong.... I'm so sorry my dear." Loki said through his tears. "This isn't at all how I wanted this to go but I need to show you..." Loki pulled out the little green box and opened it. Y/n gasped and looked at Loki.


"I wanted to propose to you but it took me forever to pick out a ring... it had to be perfect... just like you... then I was trying to plan out everything perfectly. And I stayed away because I didn't want to ruin the surprise..." Loki looked up. "I should have told you I was home so you wouldn't worry. These past three days have been torture not being able to reach out to you or check in on you. I shouldn't have said the things I did that made you feel so unwanted. I..."

"Ask me." Loki froze.


"Please ask me... I mean... if you still want to..." Y/n bit her bottom lip, something she does when she's feeling bashful. Loki chuckled a bit.

"This isn't at all how I planned this to go."

"With us... has it ever gone as planned?" Loki smiled. "We are both messes but together we're a lot less messy."

"Darling... I love you so much. You are absolutely right about us being less messy when we are together. Which is one of the many reasons why I want to ask you... will you be my wife? Spend eternity with me to grow, fight, love, and live together."

"Yes Loki... I want to be your wife." Loki crashed his lips to hers as he slipped the ring on her finger.

"Now how about I join my fiancé in her bath? Hmm?" Loki said in a low voice.

"Absolutely. My fiancé owes me some pampering."

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