Chapter 15:The Rise of the New Jedi Order

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General POV:

The last two years have been a rollercoaster ride for Niall and the members of the new Jedi Order that he is the Grandmaster of in that time the rescued Master K'Kruhk and the Jedi Padawan's and Younglings from The Imperial Inquisitors and saved K'Kruhk from himself because he almost turned to the Dark Side of the Force and Master K'Kruhk told Niall after he recovered that he will always be grateful for his help in the two years Niall also got rid of the Jedi Council's rules about marriage and relationship allowing the members of the new Order to fall in love and start families if they wish to do so As Niall looked out of the Council Chambers of the new Jedi Temple on the Planet renamed after his master the first Salarian Jedi Niall would see in the distance he personal Shuttle he gave to Harry for Journeys to and from Hogwarts and and the Jedi academy on Planet Kirrahi Niall would make his way to the shuttle landing area.

Harry's POV:

The Flight home was a quiet one I told Hermione, Penny who had Anakin with her and finally Asari Jedi Padawan Liara T'Soni that I wanted to be on my own during the flight back to the Academy the monster that murdered my mum and dad has returned and my worst fears about him have been realised Voldemort is a Sith Lord and if it wasn't for Niall and Obi Wan's training I would have been Killed aswell I need to distract myself for the thinking about what happen to my friend Cedeic Diggory was Murdered by The Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Voldemort.

(Side Note) Introduction to the first Asari Jedi and Familiar face Liara T'Soni. And Second because I thought that I would mention it now yes this part is set after the Goblet of fire.

The moment the shuttle landed I saw Master Jarrus and K'Kruhk waiting on the landing platform I turned the shuttle's engines off and make my way the the door Penny, Anakin, Liara and Hermione are already outside talking to Master K'Kruhk and Jarru...

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The moment the shuttle landed I saw Master Jarrus and K'Kruhk waiting on the landing platform I turned the shuttle's engines off and make my way the the door Penny, Anakin, Liara and Hermione are already outside talking to Master K'Kruhk and Jarrus Penny informs then that Ahsoka has sent Hermione here because she passed the tests to prove if she is worthy of training as a Jedi and Ahsoka still on Earth Gathering Intelligence on Darth Voldemort for the Jedi Order and the Order of the Phoenix so that they can combat the threat of the New Dark Lord of the Sith Niall knows of Voldemort but has met him yet and I hope that he Never does because I don't want to lose anymore family to that monster Niall would arrive after I stepped off the Shuttle and can Sense that I am not feeling like myself and asks me to walk with him after Introducing himself to Hermione and Kiss Penny and giving Anakin a hug.

General POV:

Niall and Harry would talk for a few hours of what happened since he and Niall last seen each other Niall is taking the threat of Voldemort very seriously and after we Finshed talking Niall tells me to not go and bury my feelings and suppress them because they are apart of Harry and they make him who is and Niall tells Harry that he will begin the next stage of Harry training once he settled and back into life at the academy and for now to get some sleep.

After Harry returned to his room Niall called for an immediate meeting of the Jedi Council and told them of the Damage that Voldemort can cause uf the Jedi don't try and take him out now and after a vote from the Council the vote too find Voldemort and Kill him after the meeting is over Niall and Penny are in their shared room and are watching over Anakin whilst he is sleeping in Penny's arms Penny is starting to become tried also so Niall Decides to take Penny and Anakin up to bed for the night.

So that's the end of chapter 15 i hope that you enjoyed it chapter 16 won't be out for a few days because I'll will be working on my other stories starting with my Pokemon stories first but until next time.

May The Force Be With You

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