accused rumors #2

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After my match against Jeff everyone started talking about me not being serious in the match that I gave up to easily and let him beat me saying that I had lost my touch and this had went on for a couple months and I was getting more and more stressed out from it and I was pregnant which didn't help I had Jeff to thank for that though but he ended up breaking up with me because he had found someone better so I was stuck doing things by myself.

Swimming back home with my brother I knew I made a mistake leaving Darby like this but what choice did I have apparently I was supposed to be the next in line for the throne and I didn't know that Darby was pregnant which was going to haunt me to know that he had something important to tell me and I didn't give him the chance to say it I felt like shit. But once I got to my childhood home I started getting nervous and I never got nervous with Darby around he was my comfort zone and once I seen my father's condition of health I didn't see Matt take off he ditched me too be stuck king so he didn't have to do it the prick I knew I shouldn't have trusted him but he was family and I trusted his every word I didn't know that he would show up out of the blue.

( Six months later)

Jeff: b baby
Darby: don't baby me nothing you left me pregnant and took off without a word
Jeff:* signs* I I'm sorry baby I was told Dad was ill and I was lied to they wanted me to take the throne I don't want that kind of life I wanted to be with you the man I love and I know I messed up bad I should have told you everything
Darby: yeah you should have but I guess it slipped your mind didn't it

After Darby left pissed I broke down I lost my kid and the man I loved all because of my family's crap it sucked that one mistake could ruin everything I gained in my life. If I could get him back I would like I'd give the man everything the world and I'd never let him go I'd hold onto him forever.

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