boring morning and grumpy blues

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Sitting in the warmth of our favorite cafe I was lost in thought sitting with my brother Matt whom I've come to good at ignoring because he was pretty boring to talk to I was to focused on my menu and this one boy I could tell he was a wrestler because of the wraps on his hands and his boots but he had really short bright blonde hair with really bright blue eyes almost a sea blue and it had my attention until my brother Matt jolted me out of my staring trans which was embarrassing because as soon as I jumped he was looking at me so I did what my instincts told me to do I hid my face.

Jeff: matt your an asshole
Matt: hey your the one zoning out because of a guy Mr. Gay
Jeff: hey mom said not to pick on me for being different
Matt: need I remind you Jeffery Nero hardy mom's not here anymore so ha
Jeff: okay now I'm kicking your arse

Ofcource I had to start a wrestling match right in the cafe with bro which got the guy to watch me suplexing my brother through the cafe table it actually hurt like hell but it was worth it instead of doing it on a trampoline but it was worth the pain because I kicked his butt back to the house and I walked out of the cafe and down to the docks were I normally go swimming today I decided to sit on the end of the dock lost in thought.

Darby's *pov*
After seeing the fight in the cafe I was intrigued by this multi color haired guy and I had to admit that he was actually really cute so I decided to follow him to the docks and I did I decided to sit beside him quietly and try not to bug him to much.

Darby: nice day out isn't it.
Jeff: yes yes it is lovely out
Darby: sorry if I'm disturbing you I can leave
Jeff: no no stay I don't mind the company
Darby: you sure
Jeff: yeah I don't mind um I'm sorry I made a scene in the cafe
Darby: hey you don't have to explain it honestly he started it he deserved it
Jeff:* looks at him sideways and signs somehow I felt more relaxed around him* so I guess you heard everything huh
Darby: just a bit he's got a loud mouth
Jeff: yup I can vouch for that one he's my older brother
Darby: I'm an only child your lucky to have a brother
Jeff: there's nothing lucky about it I raised myself
Darby: oh I'm sorry to hear that man
Jeff: don't worry about it man honestly it made me tougher and I guess I got used to it just being me against the world
Darby: hey at least now you got a friend to talk to* slips him my number on a piece of paper* I gotta head out for work but if you need anything at all call me man and I'll be there the best I can
Jeff:* looks at him shocked as he headed out * thank you stranger
Darby:* turns around and looks at him* names Darby and your welcome


After Darby left I sat on the dock thinking about everything that just happened I couldn't wrap my head around it that he called me a friend nobody had done that before and it surprised me that he was being so nice and understanding.

* Auther notes*
Sorry I haven't written in a while been busy as hell

mysterious green eyed boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora