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Part 3 of 'to lovers...'
inspired by anne with an e : S3x06

Once the Cuthberts had arrived at the marquee where the cake competition was held, Anne carefully took her cake out from the box and placed it on the judging table. She stood back proudly to admire her work.

"Now it's the feast for the eyes as well as the palette!" Anne exclaimed proudly,with a triumph smile on her face.

"Oh and I'm number 16." she added.

"Quite a good omen, I'd say." Marilla said and Anne nodded in agreement.

Matthew rummaged his pocket and handed Anne a few coins, "Here's...whatever suits you fancy."

"Thank you!" Anne exclaimed. Matthew was so sweet.

"Be back in an hour for the cake competition." Marilla sternly reminded Anne.

"Wild horses couldn't stop me!" Anne replied cheerfully as she skipped away, excited to have the opportunity to finally explore.


Anne was strolling though the fair, happy to immersed in such a lively atmosphere and was convinced nothing could dampen her spirits. She marvelled at the various booths, and even stopped to admire a few jugglers. As she continued walking, she spotted a marquee that had a sign which read, 'fortune teller'. Anne was intrigued.

"Planning to consult?"

The voice sounded so familiar. Anne spun around and saw Gilbert with an amused smile on his face.

"Gil! You made it!" She squealed and engulfed him in a hug.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He gave Anne a kiss on the cheek.

As Anne stepped back, he got the chance to properly admire Anne.

"Wow...Anne...You look ethereal."

Anne blushed at his compliment. "Looking sharp as ever, Blythe." She smirked.

Now it was Gilbert's turn to blush. Oh the effect Anne had on him.

"Would you like to walk with me?" He asked, suddenly shy.

"Be my guest." The red headed girl smiled and linked arms with the brunette.

The pair strolled through the fairgrounds in comfortable silence, taking in the sights and sounds around them.

Anne turned to look at Gilbert and realised he seemed to be staring at a distance.

What was he looking at? Anne frowned.

"Beautiful day, isn't it Gilbert?" A voice said.

Anne turned around. A pretty blonde woman stood just behind her, smiling at Gilbert.

She was so gorgeous and so sophisticated. Anne felt very dull compared to her, which made her feel insecure.

"Winifred! What...a surprise...to see you here!" Gilbert stammered, shocked that Winifred was here too.

"Likewise, Gilbert!" She smiled.

Lover, if only you knew | shirbert Where stories live. Discover now