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part 2 of From academic rivals

The class filled in the classroom in time for Miss Stacy's class. They were receiving their History paper back and everyone was anxious as it had a high grade weightage. A Hit or miss.

"Oh, Diana, I'm so nervous! I hope I get a good grade..." Anne alternated between picking her nails nervously and staring at the classroom door in anticipation for Ms Stacy's arrival.

"Don't worry Anne, You're like the smartest girl in class!" Diana comforted the red headed girl.

Anne gave her bosom friend a smile. But she only had one thought in mind. She needed to beat Gilbert Blythe.

From across the room, Gilbert was watching Anne.  Gilbert saw Anne engaging in a conversation with Diana, an intriguing conversation it seemed, as Anne was smiling and laughing at what Diana was saying.

Gilbert sighed. He wished Anne would smile at him or actually had a proper conversation with him. She was always either ignoring him, or quite crude towards him.

Suddenly, the classroom door banged open. Miss Stacy hurried in, carrying a stack of papers. Their History papers.

"Apologies for my tardiness, class."  Miss Stacy smiled amusingly, seeing all the anticipating looks of her students. They were eager to know their marks.

Miss Stacy wasted no time. She went around one by one handing everyone their results. A mixture of happy squeals and disappointed sighs filled the room.

Anne looked down eagerly at her marks. A 99% ! Hah! There was no way Gilbert could have beat her score.

Diana leaned over. "Wow Anne, a 99%? Congrats!"

Anne smiled, looking over at Diana's score, 85%. "Thanks Di, you did well too!"

Anne subconsciously looked over to Gilbert. His reaction was unreadable. But she was dying to know how much he got.

Gilbert caught Anne's eye and started walking towards her.

Anne gave Gilbert a competitive stare.

"Hit me." He says, with a brief nod of the head.

"99%." She responded instantly, her pink lips twisted upwards in arrogance.

A strand of red hair falls loose from her braid.

Her oceans eyes are wide in ecstasy.

He could get lost in her eyes.
He wished she would stay this way forever.

"You've got me,"

Anne squealed in excitement. "Yes i beat you, Blythe!"

"Looks like we're even now, Anne."

She gave him a smug smile. "Even."

She then turned to Diana in excitement. She didn't look back.

But if she did, She would see the paper clutched at his side, stamped with a bold red '100%' .


"Why did you lie about your score to Anne?" Charlie asked.

Gilbert looked over to where Anne was conversing excitedly with Ruby and Diana.

He smiled. "I guess I just wanted to see her smile." He said, without thinking.

"I KNEW IT!" Cole shouted , suddenly appearing by Gilbert's side.

Gilbert looked up at Cole with surprise.

"Jesus, Cole. You scared the crap out of me."

Cole grinned. "Never mind that, you like Anne, don't you?"

Gilbert sighed in exasperation. "How many times do i have to tell you? I don't like her."

Cole groaned. "Is it so hard to admit your feelings like a real man?" He taunted.

Gilbert wasn't backing down either. "There's nothing to admit."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Denial is a stubborn thing." He muttered to Moody as he walked back to his seat, who was silently nodding in agreement.

Gilbert turned to look at Charlie who shrugged.

"I think you should really go for it. Ask her out."

Gilbert scoffed. "You really should take your own advice and ask Diana out."

Charlie like Ruby when it came to crushes. He was very, god so, obvious with his crush on Diana. The difference is, Diana might have felt the same way...but they were both too shy to make a move. If only things were that simple for Anne and him.

"Hm, Touché."

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