Chapter 1

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Lucas returned to his room, throwing his backpack against the leg of his desk. He took off his jacket and put it on the coat rack. He crossed his room and went to sit on the foot of his bed.

He thought back to that ordinary day in high school. Where he hadn't talked to anyone and where no one had spoken to him. Not that he was ugly or uninteresting. It was just that he was average. And because he was average, no one was interested in him. Relationships with others were limited to school work and did not go beyond that. No one hated him, but no one particularly liked him. Throughout his schooling it was the same, even in elementary school.

Of course, he was by no means the only one in this situation. And as he had a minority of popular people, the elite, there was a majority of ordinary and average people. He was so invisible and transparent that he had never attracted the attention of the students who were used to bullying and intimidating others.

By being almost invisible, he could easily observe what was going on around him.

He could always see the body-built jocks and the popular rich kids getting all the attention and surrounded by groups of friends eager to see their popularity reflected back at them.

For a moment, he too wanted to taste these unknown sensations. The idea of becoming popular crossed his mind and he imagined the different life he would have.

That night, Lucas lay in bed and tossed and turned without being able to fall asleep. He got up and walked to his bedroom window. It was hot this summer and the heat sometimes prevented him from sleeping. Some fresh air would probably do him good, he thought.

It was dark and the sky was starless. The breath of the cold air caressed his face and cooled him down.

He saw a light in the sky. On closer inspection, he saw that it was a streak of light moving forward. It was a shooting star!

"Quick, a wish!" he said to himself, amused.

"I want to be popular! I want to be popular! I want to be popular!" he thought with all his might.

The shooting star had passed and disappeared from his sight. He closed the window and went back to his bed, hoping this time to get some sleep.

Suddenly, a strange energy engulfed him, like a discreet light emanating from his own body! A strange force of unknown origin that froze him in place and seeped into his entire body!

"What is that?" His body glowed brighter and everything changed.

He could feel his hips expand and his legs begin to stretch like a rubber band. His skinny arms burned and gradually became covered with thin but toned muscles while it seemed that his hands were getting thinner and more delicate.

Her fingernails were beginning to grow and cover themselves with a kind of transparent varnish.

All over his body, his hair was regressing little by little until it completely disappeared and left him with a smooth and soft skin.

He had a pleasant sensation as his pelvis widened and his hips pushed outwards more, giving him an hourglass figure.

His soft, flabby belly was gradually giving way to a toned, hard belly, then to subtle, firm abs. He then felt his feet shrink and become thinner as he gained balance.

His brown hair cascaded down his back and his face changed: his nose turned up and his lips became fuller, his eyes changed shape to become more mischievous and his cheekbones gradually reshaped until he had a thinner, cuter face.

Everywhere on his body, Lucas saw his imperfections disappearing little by little, as if by magic, and his white skin with the color of chalk started to tan slightly. He felt himself becoming a real beauty!