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It was evening already. I was watching some shows on the television while having my dinner. I have my dinner early so I can stay up a bit late to watch some movies.

I sniffed randomly but caught a strong smell. It was something like what wet soil smells like. I keep my tteokbokki bowl aside and walk to the window, where the smell was stronger.

I draw the curtains away. It was raining heavily. There was fog on the window. I wiped it away so I could see the rain better. I watched the rain for a while but then remembered I have to eat.

I backed off and saw another hand print, a bit above mine, on the window. It was bigger than mine. I stared at it for a while. Is he here right now?


What is he doing up there? Or most likely behind me because the wall isn't that tall.

I turn around and sit back on my sofa. I take the bowl and continue eating. Once I was done eating, I walked to the kitchen and kept the bowl in the sink. I turn back to walk away.

I gasped and almost tripped when I saw hyunjin sitting on the kitchen, with his chin in the palm of his hands. I held my chest and took a breath. His black hair wasn't tied anymore, nor was he wearing the same outfit. He had a loose white shirt on, and brown regular trousers.

"Hey" He says, with a soft and calm voice. "You scared me hyunjin" I walk beside the counter.

I have no experience with vampires in my house before. I hope I'm not gonna die.

He turns to look at me. His eyes were wide open. He looked astonished.

"Say it again" He stands up. "Say what?" I ask "My name" He says "Hyunjin?" I shrug and look at him "Wow.." Hyunjin tilts his head "I love your voice, Felix" He compliments.


I was at a loss of words. My cheeks were red and so was my nose. I looked away and walked back to the sofa. He followed me and sat down as I did. "What are you gonna do next?" He asks.

Mate, I'm gonna go bungee jumping.

"Sleep?" I rest my head "Oh" He props his head on his hand and looks at me "let's go sleep" He says "let's? You are.."

Mate is gay.

"Yeah I'm sleeping with you" He just says it. Directly. "W-why?" I sit up straight "why not?" He stands up and starts walking towards my bedroom as if he knows exactly where to go. "We are friends now" He says.

I stare at him for a goddamn minute. Sleep over with a vampire is weird.

I walk behind him. Hyunjin was already on the bed, with his hands beneath his head, just waiting for me. His way too long legs were outside the bed, and his head almost touching the headboard.

I scoff and lay down beside. I was gonna ask him if he could go sleep anywhere else, but I know how stubborn he is. I take the blankets for me and sleep facing the opposite side. I will be responsible if I die tonight because I let a random vampire-guy in my apartment and now he is in my bed.

"Felix" Hyunjin pokes my hair from behind. I flinch for a second. "talk to me" He keeps poking. "What is it?" I twist my head. He smiles and continues poking. I get irritated and turn to face him. "What do you wanna talk about?" I ask. "Anything" He smiles wider.

Maybe not a harmful vampire-guy?

As I opened my mouth to speak, I heard a loud screams and chirping of the crows out side my house. I crawl towards the headboard and look outside the window. There were many crows gathered at a spot on the the ground. The others were flying and chirping really loud and unpleasant.

I looked at hyunjin. He was sniffing and rotating his eye balls everywhere. "What's going on over there?" I look back out. I look back at hyunjin. He gulped hard and sat up.

And..what was going on with his eyes? They were black and his pupils were wider than before. "I'll be right back" He says and gets off the bed. Before he left the room, he spoke "c-close the window" And left.

I did what he told me to. I closed the window and drew the curtains. I laid down. I was worried about what he was upto, so I drew the curtains a bit up, and looked down.

I saw hyunjin go at the murder of the crows. As soon as he walked even closer, the crows flew by him. He didn't flinch a bit. There was a dead crow on the ground.

Hyunjin walks closer and picks that crow up with his bare hand. My eyes we're widened and lips pressed together tightly because I was about to puke.

He takes that crow to some other place.There was blood dripping through his fingers. The crow's blood. I didn't see where he went further. I slammed myself on the bed and hide inside the sheets. I was scared to think about what he'd do with it.

I heard the Maindoor open and shut. I grip the sheets even more tight. I hear clinks of glasses in the kitchen. I grab my pillow and get off my bed.

I walk outside the room and towards the kitchen. I see hyunjin drinking water from the...sink tap..even when I had a purifier. I lift up the pillow and throw it on him. "Felix?" He asks, putting the pillow away. I had no idea what I was doing. My face was wet, due to all the sweat. "What's wrong?" He walks at me. At each and every step he takes at me, I step back. I thought I would be out of the kitchen but I was wrong. I was stopped because of the wall.

"W-what did you d-do with that...d-dead crow..?" I grip my own shirt. Hyunjin was silent for a second. "You have to calm down if you wanna know" He lifts my chin up.

His eyes were normal now.

I nod and walk inside the bedroom.
We both lay down. I turn to face him and look at him, waiting for his answer. He sighs. "Felix I'm a vampire. I live on blood. And I'm...trying to keep myself in control when I'll be with you. I wasn't prepared today but I'm really very sorry for scaring you" He finally completes.

I look him in the eyes. I was scared but also glad that he is actually trying to stop himself from hurting me. I smile and close my eyes. I had no idea why I was keeping him here. He's interesting, tho. I would like to know him.

"Wait" I say as I open my eyes "what did you do with the crow tho?" I ask.

"Good night Felix" He shuts his eyes close and doesn't bother me. I roll my eyes and go back to sleep.

I also love the fact that he likes mentioning my name in every sentence, and so does he like hearing his name from me. I noticed it. Sweet.

make you feel my love || hyunlixHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin