Trick or Treats

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” Trust me Wednesday, I’ll be fun! ” Xavier said to Wednesday trying to convinced her to join them for trick and treating.

“ You can go Trick and Treating in front of me so I could give you Thing’s pair. ” Wednesday said.

She walk towards her cello and grabbed it.

“ Or maybe I could play a death song for all of you incase something might go wrong. ”

freak, come on . It’s just one night you can hang out with E—” Enid suddenly appears at the door and runs to Wednesday trying to give her a hug.

Before she could hug her, she walked backwards and signaled her not to.

Wednesdayyy, I don't wanna go alone Trick and Treating, do you wanna go with me?” she said pouting.

“  You're a wolf Enid, how can you be scared of going out alone. Unless, you want my deadly accompany. ” Wednesday said giving Enid a small smirk.

Xavier and Bianca’s face lit up and grabbed their pumpkin container before running towards the girls.

So? let the Trick and Treating beginssss! ” Xavier loudly announced.

They both stopped talking and looked into Wednesday waiting for her to answer them.

Oh, I didn't say you two could come too. I just said I’ll go with Enid...alone.”

Enid chuckled and grabbed Wednesday’s arms and they both go out together.

Xavier and Bianca on the other side was following them still trying to convince Wednesday to take them with her.

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