Chapter 2

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Bonnie's (Point Of View)

I woke up with a groan the pounding that I had earlier was now smaller but annoying none the less. I seriously want to find the person who open the portal and beat them to a pulp. I'm stuck in eighteen-sixsty-something because someone else made a mistake. I sat up and groaned again when the pounding hit hard and then calmed down.

"Good your awake", said someone next to me, making me jump and turn to them.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", I asked Damon who raised his eyebrow at me. "Are you trying to freaking kill me?", I added putting a hand to my chest trying to calm down my heart.

"I apologize, Miss..", Damon said trailing off.

"Bonnie. Just call me, Bonnie", I said sighing heavily and dropping my face into my hands. This can't be freaking happening to me.

"You gave me quite the scare as well, Miss Bonnie. I had to patch you up myself because father is...well, there is no nice way to describe him", Damon said with a sigh of his own. I felt the bed deepen next to me and looked up. I was met with intense blue eyes nothing like the intense ones I've seen before. "Miss Bonnie, Why were you out at such hours of the night?", he asked. "And with a blow to the head no less?", he added and I decided to play the role of the amnesia patient.

"I don't know, but I have to go home. Where am I by the way?", I asked already knowing.

"Mystic Falls, Virginia", he answered.

"What?", I asked faking shock. "How is that possible?", I asked eyes wide. "How can I be in Canada one minute and in Virginia the next?", I asked again fake panicking this time. Thank you, Caroline for forcing me to take drama with you. "What year is it?", asked him. He already had both hands on either side of my shoulder.

"Stay calm, Miss Bonnie", he stated. "The year is 1863, we are close to 1864", he said and I looked at him with the expression that could only be described as shock. Katherine hasn't been here yet so everything is not chaos right now and Emily isn't here. "Miss Bonnie, are you alright?", he asked since I had just completely froze on him.

"I'm fine, just realizing I won't be making it home", I stated with teary-eyes.

"Do not say that, you will make it home to your family?", he tried to reassure me and I'm going to admit this Damon in creeping me out. I'm not used to him being so kind and not smirking every two minutes.

"What family?", I asked chuckling humorlessly. "My father is always off on business, my mother abandoned me, and the only person who took care of me was my grandmother and she's dead", I listed and he held my hand and wiped away the tears that had slipped out.

"You can stay here, I will let you take the bed I'll be out most times at the training for the war", he said and when said war his expression turned cold.

"War?", I asked and he turned to me. "From the look on your face you don't believe in the side you are fighting for", I stated and he looked torn.

"That is because I don't, this war is pointless. They deserve they're freedom as much as we do", he said full heartedly. "They love, bleed, and feel like we do. How are you any different from me?", he asked me. He pulled my hand to his chest over his heart beat. "Do you feel that, does it not beat the same as yours?", he stated passionately looking at me in the eyes. "Why is the color of our skin so important?", he asked searching my eyes.

"We aren't different at all, well at least in the spiritual sense we aren't. Yes, our hearts beat alike. The color of our skins was never important, I believe it was just something the rich use to put a standard to things", I stated remembering Alarics teaching. "I believe that this whole colored thing was just an excuse. You see in the beginning it wasn't only blacks working on the fields but poor whites too. The plantation owners got word that the workers were coming together and were coming after them. To stop it from happening they treated the poor white farmers better then the blacks. The poor whites were still poor only difference was now they had somethings better then what the blacks were going through. In their heads being poor and white was better then being poor and black", I stated and he looked at me in shock and aw.

"You are the first person I have ever met who's seem to give this a lot of thought", Damon said before standing up and walking to a nightstand a few feet away. He picked up a book and came back over to me. "Miss Bonnie, if it is not too much to ask can you read this to me", he asked handing me the book.

"Are you serious?", I asked him suprised and a little suspicious. This Damon is weird as hell but the sweet innocent look in his eyes were killing me.

"Yes, I like the sound of your voice and would appreciate it if you read to me", he asked giving me the puppy dog eyes. I tried to resist but I couldn't, giving a loud sigh I sat back and read the book. Mostly to myself because I at some point forgot he was there and was just reading because I liked the book.

I was so into the book I didn't notice when Damon laid down next to me. When I did notice, I turned, and just looked at him. He wasn't the man I knew so this must mean the thing with Katherine really fucked him up. He was breathtaking and I can't wait to make fun of future Damon for his hair. This Damon had natural curly hair unlike the Damon at home who actually seems to straighten it.

I started to crawl off the bed but an arm snatched up and grabbed me halting me in my step. I turn to be met by a sleepy Damon and it made him look so cute. "Miss Bonnie, would you please stay here the night?", he asked. "I mean, theirs no where else to go, and I would really appreciate if you did", he added with a small smile that caused butterflies in my stomach. I quickly pushed the feelings away and got into the bed because I was too tired to figure it out right this moment.


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