But it did happen.

I sent him to finish changing since it was almost time to leave. Carlos told me that practically everyone was already in the restaurant, only Lando was late, what a surprise.

I have chosen a small restaurant where we can dine in peace. The owner is a friend of my father so I have been able to reserve it just for us. Not all the drivers have been able to come but I have managed to get Max, Lando, Fernando, Lewis, Sebastian, Pierre and Carlos, along with his brother Arthur and some of their girlfriends. Lorenzo couldnt come today but promised he will get here tomorrow with Pascale.

During the drive there Charles didnt stop asking where were we going. He looked like a little kid asking every 5 minutes how much was left.

- If you ask one more time I'm going to turn around and go home- he shuts up inmediately- dont worry we are almost there you will see.

Good thing I found a parking space right at the entrance, I didn't want Charles to get tired just after the night started.

-I need just one more act of trust from you- I took out of my bag a blindfold and he smirked at that- Get your head out of the gutter Leclerc, its not what you are thinking- he pouted at this but let me put the blinfold on him.

I led him to the room where we were going to dine, gesturing to the guests to keep quiet. It was decorated with balloons and lights and everyone was wearing party hats. Carlos had shined with the decoration. I stand on my tiptoes to undo the blindfold And I take advantage of the moment to whisper in his ear.

-Just remember I love you- I tell him just before removing the cover from his eyes.

- What did you- he couldnt finish questioning me before everyone jumpled from their places.

-Surprise!- everyone shouted.

His face was a poem. He had remained with his mouth open, not knowing very well what to say. We were all impatient waiting to see his reaction. He turned around and I could see a smile on his face, that reassured me. He took my face between his hands and left a kiss on my lips. The others came up at that moment to congratulate him and catch up with him. I stepped back and watch the scene from the side. I was watching his face light up seeing all his friends together again, thats when I knew this was exactly what he needed. Lewis approached me and put a hand on my shoulder.

-You did well little Sainz- I rolled my eyes at the nickname- He seems much better than the last time I saw him.

- He has improved a lot in the last weeks- Lewis hadnt seen him since his stay at the Monaco hospital- He even finished watching you guys last race, he could not miss George's maiden win.

- How are you doing?- he asked with a fatherly tone- It must be hard on you too.

- I'm just trying to do what's best for him.

-What about whats best for you?- I shake my head, right now it didnt matter whats best for me.

- Whatching him crash into that wall was undoubtedly the scariest moment of my life- I see how Charles is talking animatedly with Pierre and Lando and it brings a smile to my face despite the conversation I'm having. - When my parents died I was still too young to fully understand the situation and it still caused me to have nightmares for years. When I told this to Charles, he promised me that this would not happen to us, that he would try to avoid it.- I can't look at Lewis as I tell him this so I focus on Charles.- He couldn't avoid it .- I shrug my shoulders - And even if what I want most in the world is for him to recover and be able to go back to doing what he loves most in the world, to be his happiest version again- I bite the inside of my mouth trying not to let any tears fall so as not to worry Charles.- Selfishly, a little part of me is glad he cant drive right now, because at least I know he will be alive for at least a little while more- I quickly wipe a tear from my eyes, turning to Lewis to avoid Charles seeing me.- I'm a horrible person I know.

It Cant Be You- Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now