lurking in the shadows

29 1 1

"come on, Mikey!!"

Raph yelled, as he hopped from roof to roof.

Mikey was trailing behind, still eating his pizza.

"You guys didn't let me finish my pizza!!"

He replied.

"Well next time, don't spend ages watching that stupid Crognard show!"

Raph spat back.

"Hey!! Its not stupid, dude!"

Mikey pouted.

Leo rolled his eyes as the two continued to argue, though it was mostly Raph being a duchebag.

"Hey, Leo, I think I saw someone."

Donnie spoke, as he stopped running.

"What? Where?"

Leo asked.

"Over there. They were in a black hoodie.. they were just.. jumping buildings?"

"Hm.. let's go check it out. Come one you two!"

And with that, Leo jumped in the direction of the person, and Donnie followed behind.

Raph rolled his eyes at Mikey, and they too followed behind Leo.

They saw someone sat on a roof. They were just.. sitting there with their legs dangling off of the edge. They had a mask on, and a black hoodie. They also had thick hair that covered their eyes, so the turtles couldn't see their face.

"Suspicious much."

Raph snarled, as he watched the person.

"Well, they don't seem to be doing anything harmful?"

Mikey spoke.

"They might be waiting for someone.."

Donnie theorised in response.

And, just as he finished his sentence, some one jumped up onto the roof.

"Salutations, Viv."

They spoke, and as formal as they sounded, a light purring could be heard.

"Heya, Robin."

The human spoke.

"A mutant?"

Donnie asked, looking closer.

"So they were waiting for someone!"

Leo squinted, looking at them.

"I wonder what they'll do.."

"So, you ready to go?"

Viv asked.


The cat stood up, and offered one of its HUGE paws to the human.

The turtles looked closer, noticing that the mutant was a large cat.. it seemed like a Lynx.

Before they could comment on that, the two ran off to hop buildings.

The turtles followed close behind, but not too close. They didn't want them to notice them.

Donnie, while the others where paying attention to the chase, was fiddling with his Mutagen tracker. He wanted to see if they passed any while they were following them.

Don noticed that they were heading directly towards a canister, and he was about to say something.

The brothers stopped following once they heard Viv say something.

"Hey, look! Down there, it's glowing!"

He spoke.

"Mm.. that must be some of the stuff."

Robin replied, as the two jumped down into an alley.

"Hey, I think they're hunting mutagen!"

Donnie mentioned.

"Why would they want mutagen?"

Mikey asked.

".. because they want some cool looking lava lamps. How should I know!?"

Donnie replied, heavy sarcasm could be detected in his voice as he whisper shouted, throwing his arms into the air.

"Well, they're sketchy as hell, and they're looking for mutagen. I don't like the sound of that."

Raph spoke, folding his arms.

"I think the cat is kinda cute!"

Mikey said, completely off topic, holding his hands together and putting them up to his cheek while slightly lifting his left leg.

"Reminds me of ice-cream kitty!"

Raph smacked him on the back of the head, and Mikey whined a little.

"We'll look into it later.. we've also got mutagen to find."

Leo stated, turning around to face Donnie.

"Got any more mutagen on your radar?"

"Yep, just over to the east!"

Donnie replied, pointing in the direction of the mutagen.

"Alright, let's get going."

Leo finished, as he headed east. Donnie and Mikey followed, but Raph stood watching the two strange people for a while longer.

"I don't trust them.."

He thought outloud, as he turned to follow the others.

Robins ear twitched, as Viv grabbed the mutagen.

"They're going east now."

It said to them.

"So, they're gone?"


"Great. We don't need stalkers."

"Indeed we don't."

Robin finished, as he jumped up onto the roofs again and Viv climbed his way up.

They continued around for a few hours, and the turtles would occasionally see them grab the mutagen they were going after.

".. we're gonna need their mutagen at some point.."

Leo spoke, as everyone was heading home.

Raph squinted, looking at the human, attempting to see his face.


He said nothing, as he slowly trailed behind the others.


Chapter 1: end.

~ 722 words ~

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