Mettaton's head is shot clean off.

-The Next Day-

Y/n: *Snoring*

You were sleeping like a baby in your bed. The morning sun comes up, and your alarm clock rings.


Your arm gets covered with green electricity.

Y/n: Texas SMAAASH!

You punch the clock right through the wall. The hole closes itself up as you turn in your bed.

Y/n: ...*snore*.....*snore*....

Y/n: SIKE!!

You grab the arm of the person above you, and slam them on the ground.

Y/n: I thought y'all learnt the lesson! You don't sneak me and get away with it!

The hooded person stands back up, and gets into a fighting stance.

Y/n: Oh really? Well go ahead! Scrap! Square up!

The unknown figure throws a punch, but you weave and throw your own punch. The person dodges and gut punched you. It actually hurts.

Y/n: What the hell?! That punch actually hurts?! WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!

You punch the person in the face before kneeing them in the stomach.

???: AAH!

Y/n: Hm? They sound female!

You were about to throw another punch, but then...

Your vision got blurry.

Y/n: Huh?

You begin to feel really lightheaded as your eyes get heavy.

Y/n: the Bill

You fall over. The girl takes off her hood, who reveals herself to be Core.

Core: *Sigh* Finally. Alright, let's bring him to the others.

Core picks you up, and teleports to Alphys' laboratory.

Alphys: O-Oh! You're here!

Core: And I got Y/n. Is Mettaton fixed?

Alphys: Y-Yeah.

Core: Alright. Seems like the antidote finally worked.

She sets you down into a chair, making sure to tie you up to stop you from escaping. (This sounds SO wrong.)

Core looks at you, and smiles.

Core: He looks so cute when he sleeps.

Frisk: Uh, Core?

Core turns around and looks at Frisk.

Core: Yeah?

Frisk: Why are you looking at Y/n like that?

Core: ...

Frisk: ...

Core: ...No.

Frisk smiles.

Core: No, no, no. Don't even say it.


Core: No

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Core: No. Stop it!

Frisk: ...You like him, don't you?

Core's face turns red.

Core: Shut up!

Frisk begins to laugh. Core just hides her face in her hands.

Core: Oh my gosh! This can't be happening.

Frisk giggles.

Frisk: Don't worry. We'll get him back.

Core looks up at Frisk.

Core: But...what if he doesn't like me back?

Frisk: Then don't worry! There's plenty other fish in the sea. Plus, Y/n's your childfood friend, so he might already like you.

Core: Really?

Frisk: Really.

Core smiles.

Core: Thanks.

Alright. That's chapter 2.

Oh, and by the way. Don't worry about Core liking Y/n2 either. She may like him, but remember, Y/n2 is still YOU. You're basically two Y/n's at the same time. If the hate Y/n loses, you'll still be Y/n2, so you'll still exist.

(Wait, isn't Y/n2 technically Y/n1 if he's the original?)

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