The bakery

830 23 16

They put me in a box.

With a bow to keep me locked inside.

They complained when I had thrown a 'tantrum'.

I didn't feel right, tho.

They were touching me and..

I felt disgusted.

They touched me in front of people in an interview with one of the company members.

They made me want to throw up and die.

I just can't do it anymore.

I want to die.

I want to die.

I want to die.

I want to die.

I want to die.



Kokichi touched his cheek.

The pain stung on his face.

He didn't feel like Kokichi.

He couldn't act like Kokichi right there.

He wasn't Kokichi.

He was..

Kotoko Utsugi.

He felt like her.

He felt the urge to rebuild his facade, but it wasn't working.

Not this time.

He couldn't.

She couldn't.

The sudden arms wrapping around him tightly cause him to flinch.

The feeling of being shaken.


The sound of someone falling echoed in the room filled with people.

It was loud for his ears.

"Ow... Kokichi?"

Kaede looked up at the shorter purple haired boy.

She looked up at him, noticing how his hands were shaking.

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