Chapter 14. The One and Only...

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It had been about a week since Ava had been up in that plane with Bradley, and she had found herself wanting to go back up there almost every day. She was pacing her room, trying to think of what she could do to join the Navy again.

Ava felt a lightbulb go off in her head when she found herself pulling up her phone and scrolling through her contacts. When she found the number she was looking for, she took a deep breath before hitting the call button.

The phone rang for a moment before the person on the other line eventually picked up. "Hey, it's me, Skywalker." Ava smiled when the person on the other line sounded happy to hear her voice after such a long time. 

"Do you think I could come by and talk to you about something?" There was silence on the other line as the person typed on their computer. The person then told her that if she could come by his place in about an hour, the two of them could talk.

Ava quickly thanked the person before hanging up. She smiled to herself, thinking about the possibility of being able to actually be a pilot again. Ava went through her closet as she prepared for her meeting with this person.


Ava pulled up to a large house with plenty of children playing on the yard. As she got out of her car, she was greeted by one of the house owners. "Ava!" The woman walked up to her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hey, Sarah." Ava returned the hug, wrapping her arms around the woman's back. Once the two pulled away, Sarah held onto Ava's shoulders while taking in the young woman's appearance.

 "You've gotten so big." Ava laughed at her comment as Sarah dropped her hands from her shoulders. "He's waiting inside his office for you." She motioned her head to the front door to which Ava nodded in response.

Once she entered the house, she was surrounded by trophies, medals, and a lot of photos. One photo in particular stuck out to Ava: A black and white photo of Iceman and Maverick shaking hands. 

"Ava, come in." Her thought were interrupted by a voice calling out to her from the other side of the door in front of her. When she entered the room, she saw Admiral Kazansky sitting in his chair while focused on his computer.

"Admiral." She began to approach the man who stood up to meet her halfway. Ava stuck her hand out for him to shake, but the Admiral just looked at it for a moment before pulling her into a hug.

"How are you, Skywalker?" He asked as he pulled away from her, the both of them sitting in the chairs in his office. "I'm doing a lot better. Which is why I'm here, actually." Iceman raised his eyebrow at her as she rubbed the back of her neck anxiously.

"What would it take for me to join the Navy again?" Ava watched as a smile began to grace Iceman's features. He was hoping that someday she'd come back, and now she was here. He turned back to his computer while going over a few things before turning back to face Ava.

"So you'd need to take two basic review classes, have a flying session alongside another pilot, and fly a combat sequence with the current Top Gun class." 

Ava looked at Iceman with wide eyes, shocked at how much she needed to do in order come back. Then again, it was the Navy and they needed the best of the best.

"And where would I be able to do this?" Ava finally spoke after doing a few mental calculations to see if she could fit it into her schedule. "I'll worry about the details, you just worry about showing up. I'll send you an email once I have all the information."

Ava smiled at him before the two stood up and embraced one more time. "Thanks, Ice." Ava said as the two of them backed away from each other. He gave her a curt nod before she grabbed her keys and left his office.

Once Ava got into her car, she felt her phone vibrate and she grabbed it out of her pocket. She smiled to herself when she saw a text from Bradley.

Wanna go on a movie date? Maybe to go see Hotel Transylvania? 

Sure thing :)


Once Ava and Bradley walked out of the theatre, the two were talking about the movie. "I'm just saying, I wish humans would Zing. It would be a lot easier than trying to find 'The One.'" Ava complained before taking a sip of what remained of her slushy.

"Yeah, but if humans could Zing, they'd only zing once. How would they get experience?" Bradley argued as the two of them got into his jeep. The two of them sat in a comfortable silence, holding each others hands as Bradley took Ava home.

Ava felt herself beginning to doze off slightly but was jolted awake to the sound of her phone buzzing. When she looked over at the lit up screen, she noticed that she had an email from Iceman.

Ava removed her hand from Bradley's as she eagerly picked up her phone and scrolled through the email. He sent her dates and times as well as locations as to where she'd be doing her classes and her flying lessons. The final part of the email talked about the day that she would be flying with the Top Gun class and the exercise they would be running that day.

Bradley looked over to where Ava was sitting and noticed she had a wide smile on her face. "What are you looking at?" Bradley asks, trying to peak over at her phone. 

Ava quickly hides the screen by placing her phone to her chest. "It's a surprise." She gave Bradley a mock smile as he rolled his eyes at her. "I promise I'll tell you more when I know more." Bradley flashed her a quick smile to show that he was content with that answer.


After Bradley dropped Ava off at home, she tiredly made her way up the stairs and into her room. She had one week to prepare for her flight training, and she wanted to make sure she was ready.

As she went through her closet, she came across an old box that she tried so hard to forget about. She pulled it out and placed it on her bed as she went through the contents of it. After pulling out old junk for about a minute straight, Ava came across what she was looking for.

She pulled out her old Navy jumpsuit, half smiling at the bittersweet memories it held. She unraveled the suit that desperately needed to be washed seeing as it was in a box for four years. As she looked over her uniform, she ran her thumb over the name sewn into the top.

Skywalker: She was back and better than ever.


SHE'S COMING BACK LADIES AND GENTS AND SHE'S GONNA GO KICK SOME ASS!!! I hope that you've all been enjoying the story and I hope you all enjoyed Ice's little cameo I put in here lol. We're officially half way through this story!Personal Life Update: I just finished my last class of the term so I'm officially half way through my third year of Uni.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes and I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ Jo

𝕂𝕖𝕖𝕡 ℍ𝕚𝕞 𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora