Chapter 18. Lowering the Hard Deck

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"Oh you know. Just how much I didn't miss you."

Bradley had spent the night at Ava's just like old times. He was slowly lulled from his sleep to the sound of angry beeping coming from somewhere inside the room. Bradley shifted around in Ava's bed, not opening his eyes as he reached towards the clock.

Once the beeping stopped, he looked at the clock and groaned as he saw the time. It was 5am and after a moment, Bradley realized that Ava wasn't in the bed. He shot up, looking around the room for any sign of her and started to panic when he didn't see her.

His heart rate grew steady once he heard the sound of light chatter coming from down stairs. He could recognize Ava's voice from a mile away and knew that she was down stairs.

After throwing on a t-shirt, Bradley slowly made his way down the stairs but paused when he saw her. 

Ava was sitting on the couch, holding a bowl of cereal while looking out the window. Her eyes were fixed on the sunrise outside as she murmured her late fiancé's name every now and then. That's when Bradley realized that she was talking to him.

He started to make his way down the stairs again, making his way towards Ava. He sat beside her on the couch as he wrapped an arm around her torso and placed a kiss on her temple. "Where's the cereal?" He asked.

Ava smiled at the feeling of Bradley's warm embrace. "In the pantry." She answered. Bradley stood up and headed for the kitchen. He was listening as she continued her conversation while still looking out the window.

"Rooster's back. Which is nice because I kind of missed him." Bradley smiled as he poured froot loops into a bowl. Not wanting to interrupt her again, he waited until she said her goodbyes before joining her on the couch again.

"What were you saying to Shark?" Skywalker gave him a mischievous grin, waiting to finish chewing her food before answering him. 

"Oh you know. Just how much I didn't miss you." She teased and he gave a overly dramatic gasp. Ava just laughed before the continued to eat their froot loops before getting ready for whatever crazy shit Maverick had planned for today.


"Time is your greatest enemy." Maverick stood in front of the monitor that had a three-minute timer displayed on it. Rooster and Skywalker were sitting side by side, listening to Maverick continuing explaining the mission.

He explained that they would be flying along a narrow canyon on the way to the target. He mentioned how the canyon was guarded by SAMs. Stating that, "They were designed to protect the skies above, not the canyon below."

"That's because the enemy knows no one is insane enough to try and fly below them." Rooster added matter of factly. Maverick turned around and flashed Rooster a grin before adding, "That's exactly what I'm gonna train you to do." 

Rooster looked over at Skywalker, rolling his eyes at Maverick's response. Skywalker gave him a small smile and shrugged before turning her attention back to Maverick. 

"On the day, your altitude will be 100 feet maximum." Skywalker looked around the room to make sure everyone looked just as worried as she did. Luckily, she made eye contact with Bob who looked like he was mere seconds away from having a panic attack.

Maverick, noticing the tension in the room, decided to explain his very questionable decision. "You exceed this altitude radar will spot you and you're dead."

Skywalker's attention was brought to the screen that showed a simulation of a jet being hit by a SAM. She watched the worry that overcame his face, disappear just as quickly as it arrived before continuing.

Maverick talked about the new 5th generation fighters and how if you go head to head with one of theses fighters, you'd die. Stating, "This makes time your greatest adversary." No pressure, Mav, Skywalker thought to herself.

"So for today's lesson, we're gonna take it easy on you. Max ceiling: 300 feet. Time to target: three minutes. Good luck." Maverick flashed each of the pilots a smile before dismissing everyone. 

After a moment of everyone sitting there, trying to comprehend this crazy mission. Rooster and Skywalker both shared a wide eyed expression before getting up from their seats and looking at their pairs for the day.


Skywalker was flying along the simulation along with Omaha and Halo. They were about two minutes from their target but the two seater was behind about 4 seconds.

"Skywalker, you're going too fast!" Omaha called through the radio as he struggled to keep up with Skywalker. 

"Um, Omaha. I'm the one that's on target here. You're four seconds late." Skywalker stated calmly as she continued with her tight turns, trying her hardest to stay on course.

"She has a point." Skywalker smiled at Halo's remark. Girls always stick together, especially in the Navy.

"Fine," Omaha sighed before adding, "Increasing speed."

"Atta boy, Omaha!" Skywalker cheered, watching as her wingman increased his speed and was now right behind her.

As the two pilots weaved through the canyon simulation, they were doing great. They were so close to the end and about five seconds ahead of schedule. Skywalker got excited, "Alright we're almost there. Let's pick up the pace one last time." A bad idea on her end.

Both jets crashed into the wall at the last minute, failing the simulation. "We'd like to report that your children are dead because they were stupid." Halo joked through the radio as the two pilots let out a snicker and made their way back to the base. 


Skywalker hopped out of her jet, making her way towards the duo that she'd just flown with. Halo waved over to Skywalker who picked up her pace when she spotted the two.

"Sorry I got a little excited there at the end." She walked with the two, making their way towards the building.

"It's all good. I would've suggested picking up the pace if you didn't." Omaha shrugged, patting Skywalker on the back and flashing her an appreciative smile. 

"Skywalker." The women in question paused and whipped her head around to whoever had just called her name. The three of them watched as Rooster made his way towards them, helmet in hand.

"I'll see you guys inside." She nodded her head towards the building. Halo gave her a quick high-five before she made her way inside with her pilot.

Skywalker began to walk towards Rooster, and wrapped her arms around him once he was close enough. The two swayed back and fourth, Skywalker listening to his heart beat for a moment.

Once Rooster pulled away, he slung his arm over her shoulders as he walked her to the building. "You did good, Skywalker." 

Skywalker looked up at him, flashing him an appreciative smile. "Thanks," she started before moving away from his side to stand in front of him. "Good luck with your sim." 

Rooster placed a kiss on her forehead before thanking her and walking away. Skywalker hoped that he wouldn't do anything stupid like last time.


I like to show off the relationship that Ava has with the other pilots because they didn't really get a lot of screen time so I'll give them screen time of their own in here. I also just like to show off how happy Ava is that she's flying again.

Let me know if you have any likes or dislikes I'll try to add it into my next chapter. And if not, I'll update again in 2 weeks :)

~ Jo

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