Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and felt like I was starving, were the crystals not working? I didn't know what was going on I felt for the crystals and my eyes widened when they weren't there 'Fuck Fuck Fuck no there gonna starve me thats the 'thing' I have to go through!' I thought struggling to get the ropes off again,

"Ah ah ah you don't need to be leaving right now dear~" said a voice from behind holding a knife to my throat with one hand and the other holding my wrists

"Its not you're concern." I said trying to sound brave "and please don't call me dear." I said in a deeper more angry voice he just chuckled

"I don't know why we can't just kill you by slicing you're throat starving you is just boring" he said pushing the knife deeper in my throat,

Blood started to drip so I kicked him off, "I may look weak but I'm no where near it." I said standing above the man with a cut smile on his face, he just smirked at me and stood up 

"Heh- you should clean that cut on you're neck soon.... you might die from that" he said walking up the stairs

I quickly grabbed a knife from my secret pocket and started to cut the rope, when it finally broke I stood up and dug around in the drawers and some how found most of my stuff, but not my crystals yet I put my knife/gun strap back over my waist and put all my stuff where it should be. I then grabbed a cloth and put it around my neck and made sure my mask was still on and went up the stairs quietly, when I was at the top of the stairs I looked in my backpack and took out lock pick kit and started to unlock the door.

When I got the door unlocked I slowly opened it and it was morning 'most of the people here might be sleeping' I thought to myself walking around looking for my crystals when I found two large doors and I opened it slowly and saw my crystals on a desk, but someone was at the desk.

"You may come in child" a voice came from the thing at the desk, I slowly walked in and walked forward I was about to grab my crystals when the dude said,

"How?" He asked I could tell he was starring at me even though he had no face

"What do you mean?" I asked pretty confused 

"How did you make the crystals child" he said I just thought for a minute about it,

"Well I study witch craft and I learned many things but only I can use them because thats how I made it" I said in a calm manner

"May you use one and show me" he asked,

"Only if you tell me you're name" I said politely 

"I am Slenderman some know me as Slendy or Boss" he said in a casual voice,

"Alright then" I grabbed the sprit crystal and wanted to test something, I closed my eyes and held the crystal in front of me my hand in a fist I breathed in then out and I felt that my feet were no longer touching the floor and I opened my eyes, I smiled feeling proud of myself

"Hmm I am going to make an offer with you" slender said standing up

"Alright then..... what is you're offer?" I said flouting upside down,

"You will train to become one of my proxies and you will be able to live here" slender said in what sounded like a calm tone.

"What if I don't want to be a proxy" I said while tilting my head in question 

"Then I will kill you." He said and then someone barged in

I turned around to see that cut smile dude and I was still upside down "hehe- Hi" I said waving to him upside down,

"WHY-" he was saying before being cut off by slender

"YOU KNOW NOT TO BARGE IN JEFFREY" Slendy scolded smile dude and when he was done I started to giggle and he heard me..

"Are you laughing at me?!" He said taking out his knife

"Erm- Maybe?" I said giggling again and he ran at me I just floated higher and laughed at him, then he threw his knife at my leg and that made me lose my concentration and I fell, but to my shock he caught me I starred in his beautiful eyes for a moment then started to blush.

"Sorry for laughing at you" I said stuttering a little

"Alright enough Y/N will you be a proxy or not?" He said in a demanding voice,

"Uhh- yea I would love to" I said getting out of the smiling dudes hands,

"Wonderful your training starts tomorrow with BEN Drowned he will show you how to float around better" he said I just nodded

"Where will I be staying?" I asked while walking to the door and smile dude was close behind

"Upstairs to the right you will see your name on a door" he said while leaning back in his chair.

"Alright thanks" I said as I walked out and shut the door once smile dude came out

"So wait can you tell me your name so I don't have to call you smile dude" I said while a smirk appeared on my face

" and call my jeff..." he said looking at me then looking away

'He's blushing' I thought to myself "well Ima go walk around and talk to people" I said smiling then leaving Jeff there I could feel him was watching me till I was out of sight.

Heyyyy guyssss I hope you all enjoyed this and are having a wonderful day and are making right choices!   P.S  Happy 1st Of December! Woooo!  Christmas Season!                                                                                                                                     

                                                            Peace Out My Guy's Gal's And                                                                            .                                                                                           Non-Binary Pal's

(969 Words)

                                To Be Edited By: LadyL0kiL0ve 

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