Again with this one huh

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A/N: Like in the previous book, I am doing Izuku and Greenightronix3400 is doing Tokoyami's part. Have fun reading this and enjoy!

Tokoyami's POV:

Dark Shadow: Toko! Awaken bird brain! I swear....

Me: Huh...What?

Dark Shadow: You do remember its monday right!?

Me: Oh shit...

It was finally the day I got to see Izu again. I mean yes it was only a few weeks ago when I last saw him but damn! We used to see eachother like every second, minus the parts where either of us got adopted.

Usually I would be the light sleeper but these few weeks in the Aizawa-Yamada household really did some things for my sleep. Now I somehow started oversleeping a bit. Tho maybe it was because I hadn't done the same shit in the orphanage here...Wouldn't want to curse this place would I now.

Aizawa: Tokoyami?

Me: Wha- Oh... Yea I'm up... Dark Shadow woke me a few minutes ago...

Why the hell he always do that...

I swear this man is everywhere he shouldn't be...

I never heard him walk in.

Me: Were you just sitting there waiting on me to wake up?

Aizawa: ...The cats covered Mic this time so I was asleep on the floor.

Me: HAHAH- Not me for once!

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Is it a bit colder in here or is it just me-

Aizawa: The window was open...And Its august.

Dark Shadow: Both of you do realize that Toko needs to leave right?

Me: ... I need a clock or something...How has it been this damn long...

Aizawa: You need a ride or bus?

Me: Ride would be great about now...

Suddenly we heard quite the ear piercing screech echo from the hallway. It almost knocked over some things.


Me: Theres that cockatoo...

Aizawa: Shit...*sigh* Lets just go...

Me: Yeah. Hopefully we can keep our eardrums..


We started sprinting outside and made it to the car before we saw Mic bust out of the house looking like a bigfoot. Aizawa started the car and drove off while mic shot sound blasts after us in terror.

Aizawa: *sigh* ... Where the fuck did we even get those damn cats...

Me: Ask yourself that. I don't even know why you kept those demons...

Aizawa: They used to be strays once.. And we had gotten a candle for the house. IN the middle of walking it to the house they attacked me and took it who knows where. Then they basically moved in like they owned the place.

Me: What kinda candle?

Aizawa: Sage? Why?

Dark Shadow: I hate that shit...

Me: It repells demons...So I guess they got rid of it..pff-

Aizawa: So.. In theory.. If I laced them with it...Would they be normal kittens?

Me: Hell no! They would just smell it and kill us. You must want me to be covered forever!

Aizawa: *sigh*... You gotta tell me how to fix this shit...We here now..

The car slowed down as we approached a rectangular building with 4 stories. It was as I remembered it from last year.

Izuku: TOKO!

Me: Izu!

Izuku: Look up!

Me: A chicken!? Or is it flying KFC?

Hawks: Whelp, I see your friend here is doing good and Izu, sorry but I also gotta go. But I'll pick you up later and you birdbrain keep an eye on my little feathers!

Me: As if you aren't also a featherhead!

Izuku: Be nice to him, Toko, he is now my dad.

Me: ...FIne I guess...

Aizawa: I am going to head back and see what the hell the cockatoo did...Goodluck on your first day *sigh*

Izuku: It was nice seeing you again, Demon sir!

AIzawa: ...*sigh*


Izuku: But Dark Shadow, you are soo nice and you see his eyes?

Dark Shadow: I am literally made of darkness and a Appariton. He isn't even that bad!

Izuku: Are you angry at me for liking you more than a demon now?

Dark Shadow: ...

Izuku: Anyways the bell is about to ring, we have to get going...

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