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My name is Taylor Vasquez. I'm 17 years old and a social media sensation. I attend Edgewood High, a popular cheerleader, and I'm dating the star Quarterback of the school football team. Having very rich parents, I get everything I want. What's better than that? What a totally awesome life.

Get your silly mind of that. I'm a mess.

I'm a sad dork living a very pathetic life. No, don't mistake me for someone who's tired of life. I am a bit tired though but not to the extent that I'm gonna start considering suicide. No, never.... Probably... I actually like living though but when you're like me and in High school, you'd wish you never existed. I'm just am average teenage girl who has literally none of the things I said earlier on. Not a social media sensation, not a cheerleader, talk less a popular person. I'm pretty sure the guy who sits next to me in bio doesn't even know I exist. Dating the star quarterback? Vain hope. He never notices me and did I mention he's dating Amelia Carano? My arch nemesis. She makes my life a total nightmare. I always try to avoid her but somehow, she finds a way to publicly humiliate me in school. If I'm popular, that's the reason why. The only reason people know me is because of the scene Amelia creates on me. What annoys me the most is that she's the one living the life I mentioned. I hate her. Rich parents? well, we're doing well to satisfy our needs. That's all I can say.

It's a Monday morning. Yay. I really love Fridays because school closes early and I have the opportunity to remain calm for two whole days but you never notice how short the weekends are until it gets to Monday and you see that it's time to go back to your living nightmare. A hell on earth - High school.

Getting up from bed, I walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After having my bath, I dry up my body and apply my lotion. Opening my wardrobe, I stare at the basic clothes I have and sigh. Maybe this is why Amelia manages to spot me in the crowd. I always stand out. Just look for the girl in cheap bland clothing and yup, that's me. I put on a jean trouser with a T-shirt. After straightening my hair, I put on my glasses. Yeah I use glasses. You see how things get worse right?

Walking down the stairs, I greet my parents and have my breakfast - a bowl of Cheerios. I hug my mum and leave with dad for school. Dad always drive me to school with his work van. He works as an engineer and the logo and stickers on his van have nothing to add to my social life. I'd have said it's taking a lot but what's there to be taken? After dropping me off, he waves goodbye and drives off. I stare at the building and sigh. I really hate this place.

After getting my books from my locker, I try to get to class quickly to avoid Amelia but as usual, luck is not always on my side.

"Well, well. Look who it is. If it isn't plain Jane..."

I shut my eyes tight and whispered. "Shit". Signing and turning round to face her, I asked "What do you want Amelia?"

"Oh, nothing you can afford, silly. Why ask that question though? Mummy and daddy finally robbed?" She grinned and her two dumb sidekicks, Kenzie and Beck start laughing. Honestly, those girls are dumb. Living under the shadow of a bitch who doesn't even care about them, who just uses them and can discard them like broken glass whenever she likes. I just stare at them and roll my eyes.

"Then leave me alone. I have a class to attend." I said and as I turn to leave, she drags me back, spins me around and slaps me. It was a hard slap. Everyone in the hallway heard it. I knew because everyone stopped whatever it is they were doing and turned to face us. Some gasped, some brought out their phones to start recording.

"Never walk out on me whenever I'm talking to you." She said and walked passed me, not refusing to hit me with her shoulder. I fell on the ground, my books scattered everywhere. Everyone just went back to whatever they were doing. All of a sudden, I saw a hand stretched towards me. Taking the hand. I look up and see it's Bryce Foley aka star quarterback aka Amelia's fucking boyfriend. Halfway on my feet, I quickly removed my hand from his and fell back on the ground. He looked at me confused but he managed to smile.

"What's wrong? Why'd you remove your hand?"

"It's nothing." I said without looking at him. I stood up by myself and as I bent to pick up my books, he also bent to pick them up and our hands brushed each other. I quickly removed mine and slapped his.

"Ouch! What was that for? I'm just trying to help. Is there bacteria in my hands or something?"

"Never mind. I didn't ask for your help." I picked up my books and left.

Truth is, I had a crush on Bryce. I still do but that's just pointless. He'd never see me the way I see him. Besides, he's dating Amelia. What the fuck does he see in her? Yeah I heard myself. What am I saying? She has everything. I'm a nobody. I reacted that way because I didn't want to make things worse between me and Amelia. Things couldn't possibly get worse between me and her but trust me, Amelia could go extreme measures to make me miserable so if she saw me anywhere near her man, she could literally kill me. I walked away from Bryce and headed for class.

Little did I know that someone took pictures of me and Bryce in positions that made it look like we were about to hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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