Chapter 10: Choosing to move forward

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Kevin is currently grunting, trying to hold back something. 

Kiana: Kevin?

Kevin was grunting so much that tears was running down

Kevin: Stop!... Don't get out!... Please!!!... I can't let this... happen... Ag- Gahh!!

Kiana saw Kevin with a terrified with his face. which cause her to be terrified.

Kevin was turning into his Awakened Ichor, it was different. As it wasn't exactly the same Ichor form that Kevin able to control rather it was different. Halo started to appear on Kevin's head as well multiple horns. Kevin was struggling so much to a point of Kevin just wants to die.

Kiana: Kevin!!

Su then took Kiana

Kiana: Let me go!

Su: It's inevitable. The true parasite has awoken.

Kevin: AHHHHH HELP!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!

Kiana: He needs help! He needs us!!!

Su: I'll take care of him, it will hurt but... it's the least I can do.

 Su then stopped as he put Kiana down.

Kevin then grown a different scaly arms, rather it had horizontal stripes then aligning to Kevin's stripped upperbody which surrounded his chest with dark scaly matter, same matter that grown to his arms. His forearm both covered with yellow matter then stopped to his hands as the same scale covers both hands with huge razor sharp claws, a tail from his traps all the way down to his feet then a hovering wings made of Ice.

Kevin was still conscious on the body yet terrified


A cry suddenly creates a semi-eruption on the area.

Su: Stop this Kevin


Su: That day huh... I told you before yet you did not listen

Kevin: YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HER, WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEM!! I'm not affording anyone anymore

Su: Yet you choose to not listen, dear friend

Kevin was beyond pissed, so he charged into Su. Su summoned a light that shaped into a blade, to which he then clashed against Kevin. And still even with Everything that Su has to offer. He was still blown, flying then grinding into the floor.

Su: Y-You're... still stronger... as I remember when both fought...

Kevin: It does not matter!

Kevin charged into Su before then knocking him dead. Kevin breathe heavily as then he looked at Kiana scared.







She's scared






Kevin suddenly screamed as he hurt himself more, the weights of burden, the frustration of loss, the anger of rage were draining out him while in the main time, Kevin was desperately hurting himself to turn back into his human form. But he couldn't. Kiana was more terrified but, her friend matter most than her own fear. Mustering the courage still afraid. She slowly and hesitantly get close to Kevin.

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