A-kun note

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Aight lets set up some class-rank and power ranking among missions and the honkai entities

First well have the regular which is Chariot, Arc Angel, Paladin and templars, As for the Zombie-class will be; Vigiles(Scythe Wielder), Razor Claw(Claw), Jun-Ninja(Ninja), Revenant(Summoner), Hellscape(Wraith) and then the Ranger(Bow). Let's call them C-class, the normal class. Their size will be the same as the original counter part as well the power levels.

For B ranks will be their alloy counterparts but this time we'll include Medusa, All types Catapult(except frost) and PSY: Crab. As for the Zombie-class we'll add Preatorian for Scythe-wielder, Archer for Bow-Wielder, Joyo-Ninja, Lich, Hellclaw, dead silence, zomborg and death web.

Between B-A rank I'll put, the Augmented Zomborg, scarlet web, frost lich, frost guisarmier(scythe), Frost archer, kunoichi 

And for A-ranks will be; Blazing and Frost types; Chariot, Paladin, Seraph, Catapult(Ice only) then for zombies are; Hammer, Spear Gaurdian, Flute Master, Lance Rider, Venomous Web, Nocturnal, deathly doom, and desolation

and as for S-ranks well have: The Both emperor beast's elemental counter path(Ice and Fire) We'll add all of the emperor class beasts here. Then for SS-ranks Tlaloc, Saha Assaka and the Bipedal class.

and for SSS-class is the judgement class beasts that will appear as well unawakened herrschers for example; Herrscher of Thunder from the Escape from Nagazora

And last class-rank will be EX-class an awakened herrscher. We can use the Herrscher of the Ocean, Gana or Cana

I will as well make a made up story to just fit in like any other but not like the others which makes the Main Protagonist based so much on the story but like others and history. And as well, ahem... fate... ahem... nah I'll be taking some ideas from the Fate Series like Age of Gods, noble phantasm and whatever there is in store. And like the original, i'll be having satan.

If you have ideas while I fucking suffer on school except when I get close with a girl please do drop them to this comment bellow or just comment regularly.

The other chapter is not edited yet so possibly I can publish them on. September 1 which is no school because of our specified holiday on my area. So yeah... uhm good luck on school, make sure to study well and I'll continue on my own homework for myself which is listing chords of my favorite songs I mean... I can't do shit without chords

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