'Where do we look for Liam?' Jane thought. She tried to remember all the other cases where one brother was found close to the other brother. Either a few feet apart or right next to each other.

Y/N studied Jane, he watched as she stood up. Fischer and Jones watched her too.

Jones turned around to the police officers as they busied themselves with the police lines. Then she looked at the policeman who was speaking to the man with his dog.

The dog could smell Alfieis body, but he's not indicating to anywhere Liam could be? And it stumped her,

"Jane?" Y/N asked.

The more she thought the harder it was to conclude. So she took a deep breath.

"Are you ok, detective?" Fischer asked,

Jane was deep in thought the dog could smell Alfie because he's exposed, but he can't smell Liam? The body should be nearby If he's close, why cant the dog smell Liam?

"Commissioner." Jane finally spoke.

'Det ective?' Fischer asked.

"Can you have someone look inside the manhole?" Jane asked. Fischer put it together right away, Y/N looked up at Jane and he realised what she meant; the body could be hidden in the sewers.

Fischer made her way over to the group of officers.

Y/N and Jones stood up. Y/N asked, "Are you sure about this?" And Jane nodded.

"You want us to look in the sewers, Commish?" One of the officers asked, and Fischer nodded.

The officer went to his police car, rummaged around in the trunk and returned with a crowbar.

"Oh uh...looks like someone has been at this manhole, Fischer." Another office spoke.

"Why? What have you found?" Fischer asked, Jane, Y/N and Jones followed her over to the group of officers who stood around the manhole.

It was only partially covered in snow, unlike the rest of the ground. It could have been possible that the drain company came to inspect the manhole, but the night before a body is found?

The police officers cleared the manhole of the little snow that covered it, and the officer pried it open with the crowbar and another pulled the manhole cover off.

Everyone around the manhole was repulsed by the smell.

But this was a team of law enforcement officers, along with three trained detectives and a police commissioner, who all at some point in their careers would have had to search a sewer for some reason or other.

As Y/N and Jane watched the officer remove the manhole cover, Y/N recalled a case a little while ago where he and Jane had to search the sewers under the city after a robbery at the jewellers and it was suspected that the thief had hidden in the sewers to evade law enforcement. But he was unsuccessful.

Jane and Y/N recalled the smell of the sewers, and they remembered that it did not smell as awful as this.

Fischer decided she should investigate and Jane volunteered herself to go in with her.

The two climbed into the manhole. The smell worsened as they went further down into the sewers.

Jane pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned on the flashlight, "There." She pointed and shone her flashlight on the body that was slumped against the wall of the sewers.

"Oh, Jesus" Fischer muttered, "What did this guy do to deserve this?" She called up to the officers, "We need some help in here!"

"This is unlike him" Fischer muttered.

"Huh?" Jane asked.

"This is not like our killer. He has been leaving them in plain sight, and leaving the victims close to each other.' Fischer explained.

"He knows." Jane commented, "He knows we're gonna be onto him soon, And he's gonna make it harder and harder for us to find the victims, and himself."

It has taken its time, but finally, Liam Harleson's body was removed from the sewers and taken to the morgue along with his brother Alfie,

Jane and Fischer had gotten themselves cleaned up a little bit at the station before they headed to the morgue to hear the coroners report.

"Strangulation, in both cases." Y/N said, reading the report "There are no other markings on the bodies, no fingerprints because our killer was wearing gloves,"

He was annoyed, Jane could tell,

Y/N dropped the report onto the table and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You think he's gonna start hiding them now?" He asked.

Jane nodded, "He knows we're here. He knows he needs to be careful now or he'll get caught"

"What do you wanna do?" Y/N asked.

"Want to stick to our original plan, I want to speak to the families and the other witnesses, starting with the first victim's family."

"Ok, let's go."

As Jane and Y/N walked out of the morgue, they bumped into Detective Jones, "Oh hey, guys." He spoke, "I've just come to collect the autopsy report for Fischer. She's going ahead with a press conference in a couple of hours, she wants you guys there."

"Why?" Jane asked.

Jones shrugged,  "I guess to reassure the town that we have the help we need. I'll catch you guys later."

"I suppose we'll have to hold off the meetings." Jane suggested.

"Maybe it'll be better, at least then the families and the witnesses will know that we're here to help them." Y/N said, Jane, shrugged, she knew he was right, it was a good idea.


Happy reading✌✌


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